MWC2025 Team USA Information and Updates


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Anticipate daily updates posted below until the evening of Saturday, 15 March.


USA Ground Transfers (payment, bus group info, etc)

Swiss Train & Bus Website

AXCS Train Transportation Notes & Tips


Zurich Welcome Hotel (AXCS used this hotel for Zurich Airport overnight stays in 2017)

Intercityhotel Zuerich Airport (another Zurich Airport hotel option with good reviews)

Team USA Hotels in Klosters:    Kessler's Kulm     Piz Buin    Seven Alpina    Steinbock


International Ski Travel 101 (AXCS has developed this extensive resource filled with tips from past MWC trips  -- great stuff for skiers new to international ski trips & good reminders for veteran travelers)

Pre-Trip Countdown Checklist (Shorter "do this and don't do that" resource)

Ski Travel Baggage Tips (Useful AXCS travel resource for packing skis & wax gear)


Official Race Organizer Website: (race schedule, race maps, start lists, results)

USA Relay Selection Process


Engadin Ski Marathon website

Klosters Tourism Information

Ski Service for MWC2025 -- Boulder Nordic Sport is once again providing USA ski service in Klosters! 

Toko Wax Recommendation Page           Toko Wax QR code

Local Web Cams & Ski Conditions:  Web Cam Menu #1      Web Cam Menu #2

Weather Forecasts:      Meteo Swiss forecasts     



Updates posted by AXCS National Director J.D. Downing


Thursday, March 13  -- 8:50pm Klosters Time updates


-> Here is a tentative Departure Bus Chart that shows all the folks I have down as paid for Departure Bus rides on either Saturday evening or Sunday morning. If you are missing from this list, please email jdxcski at bendcable dot com ASAP. 

-> The bus company and I have adjusted a couple loading windows to make sure that all the buses with skiers that need to catch flights are delivered to ZRH on time.

-> You will see on the chart loading times listed for each hotel. Please follow the old adage "if you are early, you are on time". For all but one of these bus departures, you are entirely on your own (no JD mother-henning things). The drivers will stick to their schedule. So if you show up after the bus has loaded everyone else at your stop -- you may very well be left behind. Ye be warned. 


Thursday, March 13  -- 5:10pm Klosters Time updates

Notes below for the Team Captain's Meeting ahead of the distance skate events on Friday. I will be posting a first draft of the Departure Bus Plan for Saturday evening and Sunday morning in a few hours time. Please plan to come back to this page by around 8-8:30pm and I should have that posted also.

-> First, a quick note for Saturday's classic races, there will be a slightly shorter classic technique zone (there was a slight flat spot on the previous zone the jury doesn't want in there).

-> VERY NOTABLE NEWS FOR M7 - M8 -M9 SKIERS!!!!!  After considerable discussion, there has been a vote to change your Friday AND Saturday distance races to 2 x 10km = 20km. This change one applies to men in those three categories. 

The rationale for this change is completely based on the conditions and average race speeds of skiers in those categories (as opposed to average times in M1-6 and F1-6 that will still be set to ski 3 x 10km the next two days).

-> For all the distance races, the track pattern is:

30km => 3 x 10km; 20km => 2 x 10km; 15km => 6 x 2.5km 

-> The timetable of starts should be online. Friday/Saturday will start with the green loop skiers! Sequence is first green loop skiers -- Men 09-08-07 -- Women 08-01 -- Men 06-01. Yes, the categories go out older in the block to younger.

-> There will be a race feed on the lap diversion in the stadium. Same as Tuesday. 

-> THERE IS NO FEEDING BY ANYONE ON THE STADIUM SIDE OF THE DOUBLE ROAD CROSSING. You can access the meadow at the far end (away from Klosters village) and feed in the flatter open areas. But you cannot feed in the vicinity of the double road crossing or along the starting .5km.

-> It is OK to feed further out on the 10km loop. But you have to access the course via the tourist trail along the river once races start.

-> The Technical Delegate reminds everyone that he doesn't want feeding in motion. So stay still and do not run alongside the skier. Make sure you do not interfere with others or block the course in any way.

-> Time limit for the day: You must pass 20km in 2 hours or the volunteers will politely show you the way to the nearest bar.

-> Volunteers will try and help green loop skiers count your laps.

-> Weather forecast is for light snow up to the period of the green loop skiers races and temps between 0C and -1C.   


Thursday, March 13  -- 6:01am Klosters Time updates

Quick random items for today thru Sunday.....


Relay skiers AND alternates, please make sure you bring YOUR TRANSPONDERS to the stadium this morning. Anyone relay-ing will use a special relay bib for the morning, but you still need your personal timing transponder/chip.

-> I am about halfway done with a Departure Bus Plan for Sat evening thru Sunday. By tonight (Thursday) I should have the plan posted and hopefully will have details confirmed with the bus company. Stay tuned....

-> As we start to have more people depart on your own, a general reminder for everyone to settle any hotel/restaurant add-on bills before you hit the road. 

-> The hotels will likely be asking soon if anyone is NOT attending the banquet Saturday night. If you prefer eating at the hotel Saturday night, you need to notify your front desk. 

-> For the earliest two USA departure buses on Sunday, breakfast either will not be possible or it'll be grab-and-go (similar to ESM morning). It is a good idea to get some light snacks for yourself ahead of time.


Wednesday, March 12  -- 7:22pm Klosters Time updates (more details added to the relay plan and also a few more notes for Friday/Saturday races)

Notes below from the Team Captain's Meeting mostly for tomorrow's relay -- at the bottom there are a couple additional notes for general consumption so everyone urged to scan.

Please also see the contingent-wide email that I sent this afternoon with a couple mentions about departure and spare banquet tix.

-> 4 DSQ on Tuesday - 1 technique CL violation, 3 fluorine control, no USA involved.

Relay Distances & tracks

-> M1-M9 1 x 5km, F1-F4 relay groups x 5km (you go up the big hill and really quickly cut down to normal winding downhill back to road crossing and meadow track).

-> Older skiers: Each leg skis 1 x 2.5km for our women F5 relay group skiers (Carolyn, Gretchen, Peggy, Mindy). YES, ONE LAP AND DONE. Def Leppard turned up to 11 ladies!!!!!

Start times

-> 8:30am F1-F4 , 8:32am F05 (remember that women's relay groups are 10 year blocks)

-> 10am M1-4, 10:05am M05-06

-> 11am M07-08, 11:05am M9, 11:07am M10

-> NO PARKING NEAR OR AT THE STADIUM, this doesn't impact most of USA contingent, but just saying don't park anywhere close. Big emphasis.

Where to find USA bibs and when you are expected to pick up USA bibs

-> For women's relay teams, we want all USA quartets to physically arrive at the USA booth in the big tent a minimum of 45mins before your category starts.

-> For men's relay teams, we want all USA quartets to physically arrive at the USA booth in the big tent a minimum of one hour (60mins) before your category starts. 

This is all four legs 1-2-3-4 checked in and picked up your bibs no later than the minimum times above. 

We need at least a few alternates to hang around the USA booth or wax container until all bibs are picked up. At that point, alternates can do whatever you wish and I thank you in advance for your service to our collective mission.

-> I would like to ask 1-2 people to help Connie Meek do the USA bib check out in the USA booth in the big tent. Ideally you can rotate handing out the USA bibs so it's a shared job. Thank you in advance for any volunteers. Just show up. I don't need an advance email.

Race Details

-> First leg skiers will start exactly like Monday-Tuesday....same spot.

-> Tag zone will be where lap has been the last two days. They'll have a portal to get legs 2-3-4 skiers in for your tag. 

-> You must make a hand-to-body tag and only within the marked tag zone. People getting tagged, just pay attention to volunteers and markings for where you can be for a legal tag. You should try and be position in the front portion of the tag zone so your tired skier doesn't ski any longer than necessary. Do NOT depend on the tired skier finishing their leg to figure this stuff out!!!!

-> Biggest thing from past years to note is you have to pay attention to bibs so you can spot your incoming skier. It's the responsibility of the person getting tagged to PAY ATTENTION AND BE READY TO GET TAGGED. If you screw around and have a delayed tag -- it's really heartbreaking for the skiers that just worked their rear ends off.  

-> For legs 2-3-4, when you are sure your tagging skier is approaching you, MAKE YOURSELF SUPER OBVIOUS TO YOUR INCOMING SKIER. Just yelling their name in an American accent is likely to get them to figure out where to aim. 

-> If there are any USA volunteers that can assist some of our skiers identify when we have an incoming USA person, that WOULD BE GREAT. Loud voices and knowing a lot of our crew is a big help.

-> Two classic tracks will be groomed on the big hill, otherwise one CL track like Mon-Tues. Same technique zone for everyone skiing 5km relay loop. On the 2.5km loop they are just watching for technique violations.

-> Flourine controls happening randomly thru the relay. OC folks are hoping to speed up testing so that folks are waiting so long for skis.

-> Weather: probably very light rain/mist on and off over the day. Wear rain stuff and/or bags over your body. Be efficient prior to relay races. Don't show up hours prior, but also don't show up 5mins beforehand. After the race, limit your time in stadium and USA areas, prioritize getting dry clothes on & get back to your hotels. 

Other stuff for everyone

-> This won't happen hopefully in the relay, but on Friday-Saturday in the distance races, if you drop out of the race, TELL THE STADIUM CREW THAT YOU HAVE DROPPED OUT. The race crew will be looking for you if you don't notify the folks in the stadium. Also -- It is polite to pull up your bib and turn it inside out when you pull off the course.

-> Also looking ahead to Friday-Saturday, I have already requested that the course crew block doing any race feeds in the area of the double road crossing (the spot where the green 2.5km cuts off the big climb. A few folks were feeding there on Tuesday and it does not go well. I am asking the OC to put in some type of portal access on the uphill side of the double road crossing over to the flat part of the big meadow the 2.5km green loop traverses. There are loads of safe feeding spots on the gradual grades of the meadow and tons of room. So if you are planning to feed skiers on Friday or Saturday, be thinking ahead to this plan.

-> Anyone leaving by Saturday night -- PLEASE share your unused banquet tickets!!!!


Current MWC2025 Team USA Chart


USA Relay Teams

(Thursday, 13 March MWC2025 4 x 5km - 2 CL/2 FS relay)

Wednesday, March 12  -- 1:47pm Klosters Time updates

Good afternoon. Some more relay updates to share.

1.) We are for certain going to initiate some line-up swaps with the M02, M03, and M05 USA teams.

Tom Wood, George Momany, Andy Main, and Mark Maclachlan -- I really could use you guys attending the meet-and-greet or connecting via phone to someone at the meeting as you are all potentially important or already critical to the "plan B" changes. For anyone in contact with those four guys -- please notify them of this post.


2.) For those relay people up at Kessler's Kulm that I didn't reach directly over the past few hours, there are a few of your hotel-mates that are arranging a "virtual" way to attend the USA relay meet-and-greet at 5:20pm (once again, meet in the lobby just outside the Arena prize-giving room).

Please try and connect up at Kessler's so you either participate in the "virtual" meeting (meet in the hotel reception area) or the in-town meet-and-greet.


Wednesday, March 12  -- 8:47am Klosters Time updates

Good morning everyone.

If some earlier-than-me risers clicked on the "all you need to know about relays" button I had linked by mistake earlier today -- that info was from the 2023 event and is NOT the actual race times and USA plan for tomorrow. 

I will not be getting all race times and all key relay info until a team captain's meeting this afternoon from 4:30 to minutes before our USA 5:20pm Relay Teams + Alternates meet-and-greet in the lobby outside the Arena awards room. 

I do know that the first relays will start at 8:30am tomorrow. But how they spread out from there is still unknown. 

Also -- 

I also already know about one potential health issue that will create a domino effect with several USA men's teams. I have a "plan B" already, but I want to wait to announce things until this afternoon. This is exactly why we have alternates and exactly why as many of you that can come to the Relay meet-and-greet (both named Relay folks + alternates) really, really, really helps.

Have a fun (and healthy) day doing whatever!


Tuesday, March 11  -- 11:50pm Klosters Time updates

USA Relay Teams

(Thursday, 13 March MWC2025 4 x 5km - 2 CL/2 FS relay)

All skiers named to USA teams and as many alternates as are willing to attend, please plan on a USA Relay Team meet-and-greet at 5:20pm in the lobby immediately outside the Arena Awards Ceremony room. 

We will quickly go over the relay schedule for Thursday, a few relay rules, and allow you to meet your teammates.

Alternates, please see notes on the Relay Team page. It is essential that we have several alternates available on Thursday morning as "back-up". But it's often a thankless role because if all the teams show up as planned, you don't need to do anything. If you don't feel you want to be available in that role (totally understandable) please let me know.


Monday, March 10  -- 4:35pm Klosters Time updates

Team Captain's Meeting Notes for opening Medium Distance Races

--> Two skiers were disqualified today, one for skating in the classic race and one for fluoride control. The latter skier was "caught" probably in an pretty innocent situation because he used an old Toko high F spray that doesn't actually have fluorocarbon listed on the package. That's notable for all of us that it can be worth checking your older gear since fluoride testing will likely only grow more common over time at MWC events and Worldloppets.

--> There will again be fluor control testing on Tuesday, but this time they will test the first four athletes in each category plus some random other skiers. 

--> They will move the start flag down the track a little bit to be easier to see for all skiers on the front row. Left side skiers were not able to see the flag easily today (Monday).

--> Same general pattern of the race day as Monday so I'll leave those notes all intact. Everything the same about our USA wax container and also our USA changing and storage "booth" in the big tent. 

--> The technique zone in the classic race is exactly the same as today on the first big hill out of the meadows. As with Monday, there will not be a technique zone on the green loop. 

--> The biggest change is that everyone is doing double the number of laps. The 20km is 2 x 10km (same loop as today). The 15km is 2 x 7.5km (orange cut-off). The 10km (eldest skiers) is 4 x 2.5km green loop.

--> If anyone had previously inspected the 7.5km cut-off off at it's highest point, the route will be a bit different because of low snow on the original route. The upshot is that the 7.5km will end up a few hundred meters longer of generally meadow skiing (no big up or down added). If you never really looked as the 7.5km cut-off, then this won't be anything "new" to you. Just follow signage and markings.

--> There will be a race feed on the lap / "transit" by-pass of the stadium offering a sponsor sports drink and probably water. 

--> Based on the weather, it is again very unlikely that the course will be re-groomed between classic and skate races.

--> Weather forecast has 1-2C colder temps (at least in the morning) and no precipitation forecast as of this evening. 

--> Fischer is offering a "Ski Test" (I guess they look at your gear and try to convince you to buy new stuff?) and demo in the stadium on Wednesday from 10am to 3pm.

--> Also looking ahead to Wednesday, the trails will be open for training. This is unlikely to happen with our crew, but they do request that no skiers be skiing on the race course when the groomers are operating.


Sunday, March 9  -- 4:30pm Klosters Time updates

Team Captain's Meeting Notes for opening Short Distance Races

--> Know your start time. Look on the main website under "races" -> start lists CL starts at 8:30am and FS starts at 12:30pm. 

--> If you miss your scheduled start, the TD will not allowed a late start mingled into other categories. You just have to skip that race.

--> DO NOT FORGET YOUR TRANSPONDER AND BIB EVERY RACE DAY. They will use the same transponder for the relays (but different bibs), so just keep bringing your transponder every race.

--> There is an error in the pocket flyer, the M10-M13 races for TUESDAY are actually 10km and not 5km as printed. 

--> If anyone has a car, there is zero-none-nada parking at the stadium or the nearby streets. Do not try it. You will regret it. If you have a car, park your car near the Arena or in the village core and walk.

--> In the stadium area, the big tent is also a community waxing, hang out, and changing covered space. 

--> NO ski testing on the race tracks themselves after 10mins before first technique race start (so early on only up to 8:20am). Absolutely no wax testing backwards on the race course. There will be people that miss this memo. Please do not let USA skiers be part of the problem. Ski testing and warm up is on the tracks nearest our USA/BNS containers.

--> Spectators and people wishing to "train" during the races should use the tourist/public track that is nearest the river. That will access the race course in several spots as it comes down the valley.

--> You access the start near the smaller tent where you were starting to ski the past couple days. 

--> The Diagonal Technique Zone for the classic race is well-marked and there will be red spray on race day. Herringbone is also allowed, but unlikely to be used on that section.

--> Two classic tracks will be put in mostly on the main first climb and then generally only one classic track on the outer edge of grooming pad very much like official training today.

--> Everyone in the classic races should be careful not to get too "creative" with step turns so that it becomes skating after the turn has straightened out. Turning zones on tight turns are marked with yellow V-boards and there will be monitors.  Basically when you come out of one of the tight turns, once you hit the V-boards, whether you are in or out of the tracks just straighten your skis so you are only double poling or striding. 

--> All green bib skiers stay on the green meadow loop for all MWC individual races. Yes, it is really mild and yes you will need to do a lot of lap counting. But after three years of being in meetings trying to figure out another option for our elder categories -- there really wasn't any viable alternative at this venue. 

--> The green course final turn is a couple hundred meters closer to the bridge nearest the Arena and Klosters village than the final turn that will be used for all other categories. 

--> Weather: Little bit of moisture off and on (drizzle or mist) , 4-8C temps, partly sunny in the later afternoon. forecasts perfectly align with the forecasts the OC is using.

--> False starts result in 1 minute time penalty. Protests 15mins from unofficial results posted on the info board in the stadium. 100 CHF required to file an actual protest. What does a protest mean? If there is a serious issue that really impacts the top results of a race, I (as USA National Director) can file a formal protest on behalf of any USA skier. But you need to pay the protest fee and we have to have a good enough case that the jury may accept your argument. A much better (and cheaper) route is to convince the jury to look into an infraction or situation via course monitors and take action on their own. Protests are almost never worth the cost and hassle for issues that do not impact top results. It's better simply for me to lodge a complaint to all officials and hope whatever happened doesn't happen again.

--> There may or may not be re-grooming between the morning classic races and afternoon skate races. The grooming team will decide based on the conditions and whether it will help or hurt.

--> Most of the passing by faster skiers for the short distance race will take place in the latter stages of the short distance race. This means most passing on downhills or flats. So skiers that sense you will be overtaken are advised to hug the outside of turns and anticipate letting faster skiers take "best lines" so you don't have to worry about a "command" to give way. If someone does give you a "track" command, by rule you do need to move. 

--> Notify JD if you will NOT be attending the banquet and your ticket is not claimed by other USA skiers latest by Wednesday, 12th afternoon.

--> There is a "Champions Race" on Wednesday afternoon that promises to be amusing (provided the weather cooperates)


Sunday, March 9  -- 2:30pm Klosters Time updates

I have the first Team Captain's Meeting starting at 4pm this afternoon. Notable notes from that meeting will be posted as soon as I can. If I can pull it off, I may do some live-ish notes from the meeting itself. Otherwise immediately before or after the Opening Ceremony. Worst case by 8pm everything I know for Monday's races will be posted.

In your racer bags, there is a slip of paper that mentions the MWC2025 WhatsApp Channel/Group. If you have WhatsApp on your phone, it can be useful to use the QR code to sign up for this group as it will augment (in general event terms) anything I'm posting for USA skiers here. 

Here are few random or known items.....


For those just arriving into town, please refer to the Saturday, March 8 notes below on hotel waxing, picking up your bib/packets, the USA container set-up, & some other random notes.



If the google sheet doesn't work for your device, (sheets can be a pain on a phone), just email jdxcski at bendcable dot com -- I'll mark you down on the chart. I'll also put a sheet for handwritten "yes" or "no" in the USA wax container tomorrow.


Because we will have off and on moist periods over the coming week, I have purchased a USA community supply of large garbage bags that folks can use to cover your "stuff" bags as well as use as personal moisture barriers (especially for the 20km or 30km events). The bag roll will be in the USA container. Please limit use to one bag per person in the early days and try to re-use that bag as much as you can over the week.


In terms of general comments about waxing, skis, etc. -- from my own classic skiing the last two days & talking to skiers -- for kick both Swix75 klister and a combination of Swix Silver/Uni + drops of Rode Rossa klister are working well. I'd lean towards the latter combo today. Several other universal klisters are working. But the amount of drizzle on Monday might (or might not) change what works. It is very possible that Zero or Skin skis could work well for many folks. You be you.

Glide seems to be whatever skis/structure/wax you like these days for pure spring transformed snow. A lot of things could work. 


Finally for now -- although many of you just arrived, if your schedule has you leaving Klosters before Saturday evening, please "donate" or sell your Saturday banquet ticket to USA supporters that are not registered skiers. For those that need such tickets, please spread the word at your hotels & friend groups first that you are looking for available USA banquet tix. I should also have word shortly on a way to buy a "plus one" tix. 


AXCS Trip Waiver & Emergency Plan  (if you haven't filled this out & sent to JD - please do it now!)

Saturday, March 8  -- 4:30pm Klosters Time updates

I've got some ESM posted first (since it's in the morning) and then other stuff for MWC2025 that I have done or learned or am working on or need help with below.

--> ESM Notes For Those About To Rock Tomorrow

-> Bottom line notes for ESM morning transport. There will be a bunch of trains you can take to the ESM start sequence leaving from both Klosters (village hotels) and Davos (Kessler's Kulm). The latter group has a bus going the short distance from Kessler's down to Davos Platz station early in the AM. We know that bus will be "overloaded" (16-17 pax in a 15 passenger bus). Crowd in and deal with it. NO OTHER CHOICE.

Most of you already set things up officially with Monika with the Klosters OC to be "officially" on one of those trains. But even if you didn't, you can still get on the trains. There are very few conductors checking tix. Just show your race bib or your race entry confirmation on your phone  (which you need to be able to get a bib at the ESM start). At worst, beg for forgiveness. 

Spectators will really need to be able to wing it. Remember that spectating at the start is hardest to get to. Other spots along the train route are easier to access and potentially just as good for viewing/pictures.

-> ESM Race Morning Food: I did have a question about options for getting food from the hotels in the early ESM morning tomorrow.......this one is situational and I do encourage folks to chat with hotel staff this evening to see if there is any realistic scenarios. Honestly at best you might be able to get some fruit and breads put out to grab on the way to the door. Maybe some juice.

It was easier in 2017 (because ESM was at the end of the MWC week) to work out a way to have a few cold food options to grab on the way to the pre-dawn trains. But with all of us "fresh" to the hotels, we don't have the same staff relationship built so see what you can arrange and worst case get some grab-and-go stuff this afternoon at the Klosters or Davos grocery stores (or gas stations). Note also there are a few food options in the ESM start area. Having both some cash CHF plus a Visa/Mastercard credit card (AmEx is not universal here) gives you more payment flexibility.

-> ESM Bibs: Hopefully most of you have picked up your ESM bibs in Klosters today at the Arena if you know the bib was going to be available today. You still have until 6pm to do so. 

The Klosters OC will notify me by 6pm tonight if there are any ESM bibs for USA skiers not picked up. I will grab any leftovers and leave them at the Piz Buin front desk if I can't get the bib to you at a specific hotel. I'll also try (operative word) to notify folks involved. Hopefully all of this is unnecessary mother-henning on my part.

-> Unsolicited ESM coaching tips for first time ESM skiers:

1.) Buckle Up. With prime fast conditions as there will be in the morning, ESM starts are lit-candle-nitro-action like nothing else in skiing. Pure NASCAR. Because it is totally flat for so long off the start -- the overall energy level gets super hyped -- and the snow/ice is so hard/fast ....... people just go irrationally fast for many early km's no matter what wave you are in. Many of those going super fast aren't skiers that (due to technique or fitness or both) perhaps should be going so fast. So it's not a matter of if there will be occasional spectacular crashes on totally flat terrain - it's when. 

2.) Ski defensively especially in the early km's. Do your best to match the early pace with the least damage to your energy reserves. Find skiers with rock solid technique and a good "driving feel" -- and hang on to them focusing on big glide and efficient technique. It can take a good 5-6km, but it will eventually start to string out and you'll have more opportunities to get into logical work groups that don't feel like the ragged edge of disaster :-).

3.) Anticipate when you get into the main hill sequence that you'll be in a big stack-up for at least one steep hill. Be patient and deal with it. Subsequent hills generally have a bit more room to really ski. On the main downhill ("mattress hill") anticipate several early curves amongst trees where you again need to "drive defensively" as some folks really put on the brakes and others totally send it. That combination can easily cause havoc.

4.) After Pontresina you generally have a lot more open space when you want it and there are many rollers to work that (provided you were economical with your early energy expenditures) you can totally maximize to your advantage.

It should be an amazing weather day, so have a blast everyone!


--> Saturday Grab Bag of Klosters MWC2025 Notes

Steinbock Waxing: The Klosters OC talked to the hotel this afternoon and those skiers at Steinbock should see at least a basic (table plus power) set-up appearing I think in the parking garage by tonight. If I can get a report back from one of you by this evening that would be great. I will follow up only if nothing happens. Once you have something, please thank the management right away even if you'd like a few more "improvements". Let me know if you need my intervention.

Waxing At Other Hotels:

-> Piz Buin: I am going to try and set things up tonight for a couple soon-to-be-loaned profile benches (thanks Brook M!) to be based on Piz Buin and get one of the profile kits at the hotel over to our USA container. If my plan works, PB will have plenty of work space soon and we also will have a travel vice (mine) and one more profile at the USA container.

-> Alpina: I am assuming you folks are good unless I hear otherwise. Try to get whatever you need first direct to managers. But if you need my intervention, someone email specifically what is needed (use jdxcski at bendcable dot com) and I'll get on it.

-> Kesslers: Same as Alpina. I will assume you are good unless you say otherwise. In your case, I mentioned to a couple folks today but will repeat it for all of you -- there are two folded waxing tables that belong to CAN/USA national teams. Nino the owner is totally fine with us "borrowing" those tables for MWC use. Just set them up in the delivery ramp and put more profiles/vices on them. Be advised those tables will need to move to the side when deliveries happen (which is only 1-2x per week). 

-> Silvretta: You folks should benefit from whatever set-up the CAN team pushes with management. I will assume you are fine because management there has a good handle on a good wax room set-up. (same folks as 2017).

-> USA Wax Container: As mentioned above, I have my travel vice on the table now. If we can get one more profile loaned for common good clamped onto the table, we'll have two work positions which is lovely especially for kick waxing mornings, but also afternoon glide waxing if someone has the stuff with them. We have a garbage box in there now. Working on a sweep/dustbin. When we have that stuff, CLEAN AFTER YOURSELVES! I will try and get some wax cleaner and wipes in there for community use.

Other Notes About USA Wax Container.

The Boulder Nordic container is left of the USA container. Please respect the work of Nathan and his crew and do not use that container at any time for personal use (even if you are a client). 

There is already a sheet and pencil in the USA container for listing "kick waxing thoughts for community good". Please those out trying different kick wax put down what you try and any results. Glide thoughts also welcome, but where we really like to share ideas on these trips is kick wax as some folks totally have things dialed and others do not. 

What we want to do with the universal USA wax container on Monday/Tuesday is prioritize only having classic skiers use that space in the morning with as little personal gear storage, changing, and "hanging out" in there as possible. I have to have my stuff in there all day (nature of my gig), but on race days if we can have everyone else changing, hanging out and storing personal bags in the big cafe' tent or in the pre-race tent -- that will leave much more room for actual waxing & wax gear. It is likely to be a little moist on Mon/Tues mornings so this is more important to mention than if it was bluebird every day.

For certain, skaters and spectators want to stay completely away from the inside of the USA container in the morning on the double race days. Then we need to flip things so only skaters are using the container after the classic races. Usually there isn't a lot of ski work being done for skate races, so if a few skate folks are using the container for storage, hanging out, changing -- it'll be fine. But honestly you'll have more room in the big tent.


Picking up MWC2025 Bibs & Packets

You have a bit more time today and most of Sunday to pick up your MWC2025 Bibs/Packets in the Arena building next to the river on the way to the stadium. 

If for any reason you do not get this done (and I know a couple people that will not), then the Klosters OC will move all the bibs/packets to the stadium effective Monday morning. Look for the "Info" container at the stadium (should be next the finish) and your bib should be in there.


It is highly suggested to get a ton of photos and maybe pay for a trip up one of the gondolas to get your panorama shots on Sunday (tomorrow) if possible.

Based on the current weather forecasts, we might see another really nice day to conclude things next Saturday (cross your fingers), but right now Mon-Fri has a mixed bag of clouds and some light moisture periods. 

So for anyone hoping to get some awesome pictures and big mountain viewing, tomorrow is a guaranteed opportunity (if you didn't get in your fill today). 

I can tell you that the views from the top of the gondola right next to the Klosters Platz train station are jaw-dropping. There's a little cafe' up there, big decks, very Euro-awesome. There is a cost to the gondola, but it's worth it.

There is another gondola to the Klosters Dorf side of town that is also amazing. Just a bit more logistics to use that one.

There are also several gondolas out of Davos that have other amazing views.


For those that want incredible nearby ski options, suggestions.....

a.) The ski up past the MWC2025 race courses on the tourist track goes another couple km's past the 10km high point into a hanging valley with a little cafe with excellent food. This will be worth doing even on less bluebird days, but it is amazing on nice viewing days.

b.) The Kessler's folks know you have trails out the door. But folks staying in Klosters should know that there are several trails up there you can ski with your MWC ski pass. The connection down to Davos (several km downhill or uphill dirt road depending on direction) has some thin spots that are easier to spot if you are coming UP from Davos rather than going down. But if you keep your eyes open, reports are that the route is overall in good shape. 

c.) Davos trails also work with your MWC "pass" and there is a lovely system on the valley floor with harder terrain that Jesse, Rosie, Gus, Ben O, and Co. regularly hammer in the Davos elite World Cups every winter.


Yes -- the opening ceremony tomorrow (Sunday) at 5:30pm is worth going to!

The ceremony is outside on the plaza next to the train station. There will be (very) light refreshments, a few speeches (mine will be the best simply because it will be the shortest :-), and some local entertainment. Weather should be good and what else will you be doing that is more fun?


Friday, March 7  -- 10:00pm Klosters Time updates

--> Welcome to Klosters!

We've got about 85% of our USA contingent in town now with the majority left to follow coming tomorrow (Saturday). A few short updates and notes tonight, more to follow Saturday and Sunday.


-> ESM Stuff

Hopefully everyone going over to the Engadin (ESM) main event on Sunday has figured out the train logistics. If your ESM bib was one of the ones picked up by the Klosters OC for distribution in Klosters, that will happen at the same Arena location in Klosters (next to the river on the way upstream to the stadium from town) from 9am - 6pm. Any ESM bibs not picked up in Klosters will be taken back to the Engadin start for pick-up on race morning (but go early and expect a line).


-> MWC Bibs/Packets & Trail Passes

All USA registered racers can start picking up your MWC bibs/packets on Saturday from 9am-6pm in the Arena (see above). There is another wide window for picking up bibs/packets on Sunday (9am-4pm) and then for really late arrivals, I'll confirm where you can still pick up your bib on subsequent race mornings.

Your hotel Premium Card should serve as a trail pass until you have your race bib. Then registered skiers should either have your bib (in a pocket) or any other "pass" that might be in the race packet in case you are checked for a trail pass. All USA supporters that are not registered racers are requested to honor good skier behavior and buy trail passes either daily or by the week. Ask at your hotel for nearest location.


--> The Klosters OC asks for our help with recording economic impact of the MWC2025.

If anyone is willing to do a totally optional "journal" of daily expenses, here is the link to a fillable pdf that you can save on a device and then transmit to the OC at the end of the MWC. 


--> USA Relay Availability Sheet!!!! Thanks to all those already filling in the sheet.

By Tuesday afternoon at 4pm we need 100% of spaces filled in with either a "yes" or "no" on your availability to do USA Relays Thursday, 13 March MWC2025 4 x 5km - 2 CL/2 FS relay..

Putting down a "yes" means you will do a relay leg if selected (see the Relay Selection Page if you want more info on how that happens). Putting down a "no" means you won't be put in the mix for selection. It's really that simple. 

******************  ******************. ******************

Everything from the Sunday, March 2 USA Group Email

--> The essential info you need to catch Arrival Buses on Friday, 7 March is now posted

I've added everything I think folks will need to know on the Bus Transportation Page in regards to meeting up - loading - and worst case scenarios for USA Arrival Buses on Friday, 7th. 

Please take a few minutes to read this info before you are wheels-up for your long flights. It really helps to familiarize yourself with the plan before you get groggy from flights.


--> Team USA Entry Is What It Is Now

I've made several late requests for race adjustments in the past 48 hours. I'm holding my breath that our WMA tech folks will be able to get all those changes done. We also need to get one skier officially appearing that isn't. 

At this point, it is nearly impossible to make changes unless I have a great reason. 


--> Team USA / AXCS Chart Updates

Updated Team USA / AXCS Chart as of March 2 evening

The chart is totally up-to-date. 

We've filled in the majority of the missing waiver/emergency plan paperwork and most of the missing bus ride payments. Thanks to all those getting on these items the past couple days!

Those few folks still missing one or the other will be getting personal emails from JD either tonight or Monday (as JD begins his travel). If you can get your missing paperwork in or pay your missing bus ride(s) ASAP -- you might save JD that extra time which would be lovely.


Column "I" on the Chart shows we are missing a trip waiver &/or emergency plan for a few folks. Here is the quick link to the required paperwork

AXCS needs to have a waiver on file for everyone taking a USA bus transfer and/or everyone booking lodging in USA hotels. 

AXCS only needs the Emergency Plan for solo travelers. For couples, it's entirely optional.


Column "K" shows that we still need USA airport shuttle bus payments from a few folks. Here is the quick link to the payment page for bus transfers.


Other VERY Notable Notes For Everyone

-> (repeated) All registered racers have a Davos/Klosters ski trail pass included in your race entry from the 6th to 16th. Just carry your race bib or Guest Card and you are good to go.

However, for non-racers & anyone arriving before the 6th or staying past the 16th, you are required to buy ski passes to be out on the trails. You can buy passes on-line now or when you arrive. Please respect the requirements for skiing just the same as you should at USA ski areas.


-> (repeated) All the info JD has about Engadin Race Morning Train Info & ESM bib pickup in Klosters on Saturday, 8th has been added to the AXCS Train Info and Tips page.

Please go to the link above if you've been emailing in and I mentioned trying to get more info. I think most questions are now answered.


-> (repeated) Info about MWC Relays and USA Relay Teams: Since I'm starting to get questions about how the MWC Relays and Team USA relay selection works, I've refreshed and linked a helper guide on the Relay topic to answer most questions. I will send out word about a Relay Availability Sheet later this week when i can get a full spreadsheet of USA registrations from Datasport.


-> (repeated) Testing of skis for use of fluorine will take place at each MWC2025 race: 

-> There will be an opportunity for skiers to "test" their skis for any residual fluoro signs the afternoon of Sunday, 9 March from 3-5pm (afternoon before any MWC races). You can register for a time slot to make things go faster here.

-> The race jury has already reassured National Directors that if there are any positive fluorine tests, all jury decisions will be made taking into account the potential for unintended situations. This perfectly meshes with my comments from last night.

Original notification:

WMA National Directors have been notified that the Swiss Ski Federation will be doing random testing of 10 pairs of skis per MWC2025 race day. Testing will take place after skiers are finished. If there is a positive test, the MWC jury will decide what (if anything) happens.

Very notably, the fluorine ban does also carry-over to all the Engadin Ski Marathon events. Now the chances of being tested at those events is a fraction of the odds at the MWC, but just so everyone doing an ESM event knows -- those races are also officially required to be fluoro-free.

HOW DOES THIS IMPACT ME? (you are asking)

1.) AXCS immediately advises everyone to not pack any glide or kick waxes with fluorine and (if you are using F waxes now) immediately discontinue use thru the trip. By just not using any fluorinated waxes, you reduce any issues even if you are selected for fluorine testing. Fluoro kick waxes are less likely to cause positive tests, but it is still advisable just to avoid use. 

2.) If you have not already purchased fluoro-free race waxes to replace your high end F waxes of the past, you need to do some quick shopping. If you don't have a nearby shop, you'll want to have enough time to get an on-line order done this week or plan to shop (or use BNS ski service) in Switzerland. 

3.) Before take-off, AXCS advises skiers to do a "practical cleaning protocol" of your skis, ski bag/tube, and any tools that you will use for the MWC. This is advisable even if you have not been regularly using fluorocarbon waxes in recent years. Here is a FIS resourcedescribing steps you can do to clean tools, skis, bags, and workstations, Just doing a quick and basic version of most of these steps should be enough for gear you take to the MWC. Note also that you also want to clean any box or bag you pack gear and fluoro-free waxes in for the trip. 


It's possible, but the more likely scenario will be warnings except in very obvious situations. Example: If we have perfect fluorocarbon conditions and someone with a top result is reported by other racers to have ridiculously rocket skis PLUS a positive test -- that's very different than someone mid-pack witnessed by others as having very ordinary skis, In the former case, someone probably used old F waxes. In the latter case, the machine likely picking up some lingering fluorocabon residue from a ski bag or brush.

As USA National Director and WMA President, I have already made clear statements within the WMA Executive group that I believe MWC events should proceed very carefully around punishments for any positive fluorine tests for two important reasons:

a. The potential for unintended and innocent contamination of skis within masters racing is very high. And...

b. The reliability of any testing equipment has not been conclusively established.

I will be on-site every day of the MWC and will be monitoring the random testing very closely -- in particular when any USA skier is selected (with a big team, it's pretty likely several of us will be randomly selected). I also will be an advocate for all of you if any positive test goes to the MWC jury. 

Bottom Line: Do your best to fully clean all your skis and anything that will touch your skis before we head over. Only use fluoro free products now and in Klosters. Have fun in the races and trust that even if your skis are tested, all will work out fine.


Friday, February 28 -- 10:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> Pre-Trip Countdown Checklist -- Another AXCS Travel Resource is refreshed and posted. This one focuses on common last minute questions and good habits for your last few days before travel - during the trip - and after arrival.


Monday, February 24 -- 8:30pm Pacific Time updates

--> Fresh updates about the ESM race day trains and a bit of news on bib pick-up in Klosters have been added to the Train Info & Tips page.

If you are not appearing on the chart that AXCS is posting on the Train Info & Tips page -- you need to reach out ASAP to the following email (info at mwc2025 dot com -- Monika is the contact person) and let the Klosters OC know your hotel, your start wave, and any racers that would like ESM bibs available in Klosters the day prior to the ESM race morning.


Monday, February 17 -- 8:30pm Pacific Time updates

--> An updated resource regarding the USA relay selection process is posted.

There is a detailed breakdown here about how the teams are picked plus a general overview of all the more essential MWC relay rules and USA options with relays (for instance, you can end up on younger relays than your age). 

Look for the USA Relay Availability sheets/polls next week.


Monday, February 17 -- 8:30pm Pacific Time updates

--> AXCS has added Engadin Ski Marathon week notes to the Train Info & Tips page.

There is a specific (linked) form that skiers staying in Klosters village hotels doing the main event ESM or half ESM need to fill out for your race day transportation.

There are also some notes for skiers staying at Kessler's Kulm on how to catch specific trains to the ESM start system as well as returning post-race.


Tuesday, February 4 -- 9:30pm Pacific Time updates

--> AXCS has re-linked above two of our annual resources of travel tips that are worth checking out whether you are a newbie to International ski travel or a many-time veteran of trips.

 International Ski Travel 101

Ski Travel Baggage Tips


Thursday, January 23 -- 9:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> USA Registration List To Date

AXCS has added a link to the summary page of USA registrations to date. This list is fairly "real time" so you should see your registration appear within an hour or less if you still have not registered.


Wednesday, January 22 -- 9:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> AXCS Train Transportation Notes & Tips

AXCS has gathered various notes and suggestions from local Swiss resources to help those folks booking your own train tickets to/from Klosters and the Zurich Airport (or other Swiss locations. 

AXCS also has handy notes and suggestions from local Swiss resources about getting to/from the Engadin Ski Marathon week events. Information about the special ESM March 9 train to the ESM start is still coming.


Tuesday, December 24 -- 3:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> If you have not already, please send AXCS your travel info to put on the USA Chart so that we can get closer to narrowing-down arrival and departure USA shuttles to/from Zurich Airport and Klosters

AXCS now has pricing info and some logistics questions answered from the bus company we will be using. Now begins the process of figuring out how many people we need to "pencil" out a shuttle at a given time (in some cases smaller shuttles on unusual days). 

It really is not helpful to find out weeks after the process above is completed that 4 people need a shuttle on a given day/time. So you help yourself by getting your travel in to AXCS sooner than later!

Remember "independent lodging" folks that you are welcome to hop on USA shuttles once we have them figured out. 


Friday, November 1 -- 1:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> Travel Insurance: AXCS Recommends Everyone Get At Least A Basic Policy

AXCS recommends at least a basic travel insurance policy mainly because we have seen too many situations over the years where a skier runs into a health emergency over the winter, has to cancel the MWC trip, and the skier is then stuck with non-refundable costs far higher than the cost of insurance. The other big reason is to cover unplanned costs attached to the travel process (overnight flight delays, lost bags, etc.) that may or may not get covered by an airline or other entities -- and again, the out-of-pocket to you is higher than a travel insurance package. 

The following notes were prepared by AXCS National Director JD Downing writing to one of this year's skiers about travel insurance that may also prove helpful to others........

-> AXCS has used Travel Guard (AIG) for the insurance AXCS buys to cover my travel on all MWC trips. I’ve also used them for personal travel. I cannot claim Travel Guard is the very best option out there (really no point of comparison). But when I have needed to make a personal claim and also with other AXCS folks over the years on the same company — things went pretty smoothly overall. There are many other providers you can find on-line and via asking travel agents.

-> Whomever you use, make sure to only insure what you are really exposed on (this keeps the insurance price reasonable) and ideally buy coverage within 10 days of a non-refundable exposure point. Buying early can help you cover pre-existing medical conditions.

-> With MWC2025 AXCS Lodging, the 20% + $160 non-refundable date for village hotels locked in as of October 26. So to get the best insurance coverage, buy a basic policy within 10 days of the 26th. Due to currency flux and your exact final travel plan with dates in/out — the actual amounts are tricky to exactly peg right now. But you can use the hotel pricing sheet as a guideline for your policy purchase.

-> Your air ticket typically these days should be able to convert to at minimum a credit with the airline if you have to cancel your overall trip. Be sure to confirm that before you lock in the air purchase, but that is the trend in the industry. So as long as you can use that credit within a year or so of the “change” — you don’t need to insure that amount. A credit with an airline that you can use in the future is a travel savings account.I would price the difference in a policy covering 20% + $160 of lodging and also one that covers 100% of your lodging cost. You can bail out up to 3 weeks prior to arrival with the 20%+ being the only penalty. So you need to weigh how much the risk costs to insure those final three weeks.

-> Once you enter the MWC your entry fee would be 220 EUR if you do it before New Years, 250 EUR after New Years. It would be best to insure that full amount since an emergency without an injury would not allow you to claim a 50% refund from the MWC organizers. If you are doing Engadin, you also should include that entry cost in your insurance coverage.

-> Otherwise you shouldn’t have much exposure until the final weeks. Stuff like ground shuttles/trains, airport hotels, etc usually have “escape hatches” or represent lower loss.


Monday, October 7 -- 1:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> Updated Shopping for Flight & Trip Span Considerations

As much as we can, AXCS will be setting up pooled charter bus/van/car rides to/from Zurich Airport and Klosters hotels. Currently it is anticipated that we'll have enough USA folks wanting arrival transportation on Friday, March 7 and Sunday, March 16 that we should be able to get private shuttles to pencil out on those dates. 

In absolutely every scenario, the alternative to a USA ground shuttle will be taking the train (with 2-3 station changes) to or from Zurich Airport and Klosters.

Here are a couple of known issues that USA folks are running into with flight plans and Zurich-Klosters-Zurich shuttles.

a.) On ANY arrival date, viability of USA ground shuttles will be depend heavily on the number of other USA folks going up to Klosters the same day & a similar time range. If we have a handful of folks, it might pencil out to do a private shuttle. Otherwise taking the train from Zurich Airport to Klosters will be the best option.

b.) If you intend to do the Engadin Ski Marathon on Sunday, March 9, you may not want to arrive to Zurich on the 7th. Although quite efficient on time/expenses, that's a pretty tight turnaround for your body to a Worldloppet marathon. For these folks or anyone else that struggles with trans-Atlantic time change, you may want to fly into Zurich a day (or two) early. Zurich Airport has a good selection of airport hotels (two recommendations can be found in links at the top of this page) that have nice walking/jogging paths nearby. By flying in early, you can make any USA shuttle departure time easily. You also give yourself "fudge room" should any misadventure take place on your trans-Atlantic journey.

c.) For folks aiming to arrive into Zurich on Friday, March 7 and hoping to be part of a USA ground transfer that same day, it is strongly suggested that you aim for flights arriving either in the morning to early afternoon. If you arrive on a flight in the late afternoon or evening, we are far less likely to have enough USA skiers in the same time range to fill up a USA shuttle or bus. So with a later Friday 7th arrival, AXCS suggests planning to spend the night at a Zurich Airport hotel of your choice. You can always opt to take trains, but it is a lot more convenient if we can get you on a USA shuttle or bus. 

For departure on Sunday, March 16, several USA skiers have mentioned struggling to find departure flights leaving Zurich late enough in the morning or mid-day to allow reasonable ground transfer time from Klosters to Zurich (buses should be allowed 2.5 hours to be safe) and then a reasonable amount of airport security/check-in time (2-2.5 hours for Zurich Airport is needed). In some cases already, AXCS has recommended that skiers plan to leave Klosters in the evening on Saturday, March 15 -- then book an airport hotel (two recommendations can be found scrolling up this page) for the night of the 15th. It is reasonable we'll have double digits of folks wanting to do this plan and that should allow for a reasonable cost on an evening of the 15th Klosters-to-Zurich ground shuttle. There is always the option of using trains for these folks as well.

d.) For anyone hoping to stay in Klosters later than March 16, you should plan on taking trains for Klosters departures. The only exception is if you have a handful of friends also on the same schedule. Please also note that any "late extension" will require case-by-case special approval from the Lodging Coordinator and hotels. Get those requests in immediately!!!


Monday, October 7 -- 1:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> AXCS Lodging Package Folks -- PLEASE READ!!!

A couple emails went out on Saturday, Sept 27 and today that described a glitch in the Lodging Package planning whereas the arrival date that AXCS was planning on all along for most USA folks (Friday, March 7) was one day earlier than the arrival date that Klosters hotels were planning on (which was based on most other nations).

We've worked the issue and this is the updated info.....

Kessler's Kulm Hotel:  As of October 7, AXCS has confirmed with Kessler's Kulm Hotel that only two Main House double reservations might need first night special arrangements. All the Guest House singles and most of the double Main House reservations are "good to go" for starting on March 7.

Klosters Village Hotels (Piz Buin, Steinbock, Seven Alpina, Silvretta): As of October 7, AXCS has information from the Lodging Coordinator that we are "mostly good" for bookings to start on Friday, March 7. Getting that info dialed to exact details unfortunately will need to wait until after Oct 21 when the Lodging Coordinator is back from holiday.  

In Weeks Upcoming.......

AXCS doesn't want anyone to be in limbo with your travel planning, so we are saying that folks should go ahead and proceed with making air reservations, etc., but note that we might eventually have to set some folks up for an alternative first night scenario if (in just a few cases) USA rooms aren't ready to occupy until Sat, March 8.

All USA folks in the Lodging Package are urged to send JD your travel plan as soon as you know when you are flying into Zurich (or other arrival plan) and also your departure info. 

If we do need to do some work around scenarios, AXCS will use when you send your travel plans in as the "dividing line" for work around scenarios. 


Wednesday, September 25 -- 7:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> Very  Important October 15 Trip Terms Date For  AXCS Lodging Package Folks

We are quickly approaching an important “trip terms date” of Tuesday, October 15. So AXCS is making certain that all folks on the AXCS Reservation List are fully aware of some important trip terms related to cancellations after October 15.

As of October 16 (and lasting until 21 days before March 2025 arrival), any reservation cancellation that leaves a Team USA hotel room empty will be subject to a non-refundable amount deducted from deposit refunds of $160 per person (this covers AXCS fixed costs) plus 20% of the total per person cost for a hotel and meal plan package (required per MWC2025 contracts).

Folks that have been on past AXCS trips to the MWC are used to a one month later “fish or cut bait” deadline. But for this year, local lodging providers forced the Organizing Committee into the mid-October date — but conceded only charging a 20% non-refundable penalty (normally it's 30%).

Now if only one person from a couple cancels after October 15, but you still have a single booking in place -- neither AXCS nor hotel non-refundable charges apply. We’ll just shift deposit funds over to the remaining person to cover the final balance.

Where things are tricky is when two unattached people are sharing a double room. Traditionally in this case AXCS asks the person cancelling to help make up a portion of the cost for the remaining person to transition to single rates. If we make the remaining person somewhat “whole” on their suddenly added costs, the person cancelling is not subject to the hotel 20% — but is responsible for the $160 non-refundable AXCS fixed costs.

Note: In cases where a USA single or double room is left empty with a cancellation, AXCS will make a best effort to find a replacement booking. We not only can look for USA skiers to replace your spot, but we can also ask for skiers from other nations (provided they agree to work within the AXCS system). Depending on your cancellation date, we might have several months to look for a replacement, so there is a decent chance we can “bail you out” of the 20% hotel charges (but again, you will be responsible for the non-refundable $160 per person AXCS fixed costs).

Finally, for future reference, please note that once we get within the 20 to 7 days prior to arrival point, the non-refundable hotel charge moves up to 50% of per person cost. Then 6 days prior to arrival is when 100% of hotel charge is non-refundable.


--> AXCS Lodging Package Folks: If You Are Planning To Arrive Early or Stay Late, Please Notify AXCS Soonest of Your Planned Arrival/Departure Dates

Now that we are officially in the fall months, it is important that AXCS asks the hotels to make sure that we can arrange any "special dates" that have arrival earlier than Friday, March 7 or departure later than Sunday, March 16.

Note that it is better that we set your reservation up with the hotels using a wider date range early in the game, then "tighten" the dates later vs. staying with regular AXCS dates initially, then trying to expand your dates later.



Thursday, July 25 -- 2:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> AXCS Lodging Package Updates

Note: We have added quite a few folks over the past six weeks and now only have a very few rooms still open at Kessler's Kulm Hotel only. If anyone has friends still thinking about joining us -- you might tell them to get busy joining us!

The updated Team USA chart is found here

Because there has been so much "action" the past 6 weeks, it would be very helpful if everyone within the AXCS Lodging Package could double check the chart and make sure that you are still listed in the correct room configuration and for the number of beds you want. We want to make sure we have those details correct even this far in advance!

If you have already bought air tickets or already know that you will arrive/depart Klosters on different dates than arrival on March 7 and departure on March 16, you can email update info to JD in the AXCS Office to update the USA Chart at any time.

A reminder that the Lodging Package final balance process will take place in the fall months. Given the lodging terms are a little different this year (you can find the terms on the lower half of this page), AXCS still needs to work on a few details with the MWC Organizers and hotels to finalize the most efficient final payment process for all of you. Stay tuned.

At this time, there is no particular urgency to define your exact dates of arrival and departure. As mentioned previously, you can flex your arrival/departure from the original target of arrival on Friday, March 7 and departure on Sunday, March 16. However, please remember that we need to clear early arrivals on a case-by-case basis with each hotel. 

As a reminder, the column marked "AXCS 24/25" refers to whether or not you have already renewed AXCS membership for the 2024/2025 ski year (which starts November 1). If you see "not yet", that means that you have current 23/24 AXCS membership now, but will need to renew this fall. 


--> Engadin Discount Tied to MWC2025 Registration

Information about the special Engadin Ski Marathon registration offer for MWC2025 skiers is now available. The Organizing Committee has now made all the arrangements for this offer and all the info is posted on this page

Note that you need to register for the MWC2025 first before you are eligible for special ESM pricing and special pricing is only available for the full and half ESM -- not the other events going on the week prior to the MWC2025.

As per previous email updates, if you are not interested in the ESM discount, there is no particular rush to register for MWC2025 until we get into the fall months.


--> Important Passport and European Travel Notes To Be Aware Of

Be sure to look at your passport this summer to make sure that your passport expiration date is at minimum three months later than your planned return date from the MWC2025 next March. This is because Switzerland has a three-month passport validity rule. So if you are planning to fly home on March 16, 2025 -- your passport needs to expire no earlier than June 16, 2025.

You want to double check this item now so that if you need to renew your passport early you have plenty of time to get that done.

Also notable is that AXCS has researched a brand new ETIAS travel requirement (an on-line travel authorization) being put in place for pretty much all European nations in 2025. After several delays in the rollout, the new ETIAS system does not appear to be a requirement at the time of our travel for the MWC2025. 

However, looking ahead to future MWC trips to Europe after 2025 -- we'll want to keep to keep this new requirement in mind.

Note: The future ETIAS requirement should not be confused with the companion entry/exit EES system which does not require any advance action by travelers and may be functional by the end of 2024 (although it has also had delays).


--> Random MWC2025 Notes

-> AXCS has confirmed that everyone staying in any of the official AXCS hotels will receive a free Davos Klosters Premium Card for the length of your stay which gives you free local train and bus rides along with other benefits. This is a particularly handy perk for folks staying at the Kessler's Kulm Hotel.


-> AXCS  recommends that all of you sign up for the free and informative MWC2025 email newsletter. The Organizing Committee (OC) has already sent a couple emails and will continue to do so over the coming year. Each one is interesting, informative, and will get you fired up for a great trip next March!


Tuesday, May 28 -- 2:00pm Pacific Time updates

--> USA Lodging Package Reservation Updates

-> AXCS has been informed by Klosters hotel sources that there was an inadvertent error in the original package pricing given our association with nightly hotel occupancy taxes not included in the price quote in some cases. In turn, AXCS has now adjusted the pricing passed on to members. We wanted to get prices 100% accurate prior to starting the deposit payment process. 

Here is a listing of accurate pricing for each of the AXCS hotels.

In addition to the prices, AXCS has included our best current information for hotel cancellation terms over the coming 10 months.


Friday, May 10 -- 9:00am Pacific Time updates

--> Initial USA Lodging Package Reservation Updates

-> Currently USA allocations of hotel rooms at the four Klosters village hotels are entirely filled with pretty significant wait lists in place. 

Team USA does have a good open supply of open double and single rooms at Kessler's Kulm Hotel which is located on the ridge separating Klosters and Davos. USA skiers staying a Kessler's Kulm at the MWC2027 loved both the hotel and the ability to ski-in/ski-out on the ski trails on the ridge that also directly connect to the extensive Davos ski trail system. All of those ski trails are never used for the MWC2025 races so they will be open daily throughout the event. Train access to Klosters takes 16-18mins (1-2 trains every hour) on a very smooth and beautiful route. The same train gives access to Davos in just 9-10mins.

Any USA skier that wishes to place an initial reservation at Kessler's Kulm can do so by emailing AXCS << axcs at xcskiworld dot com >>. You will need at least one person in the booking party to have current 2023/24 AXCS membership in place for the initial reservation. Deposits are not due until June 14.