MWC2023 Team USA Information and Updates


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SCROLL DOWN BELOW THE LINK MENU FOR THE NEWEST USA UPDATES --  Anticipate daily updates posted here from now until the evening of the last race day, March 24!


Letter from MWC2023 O.C. documenting type of salt used on race courses: If TSA flags your bag on re-entry to USA, this letter may help establish that you really were skiing on "salted" snow and not involved in some other type of not-so-good behavior.

USA Bus Information (all loading details for Saturday updated!)

Official Event Website:

Local Web Cams

Weather Forecasts:    Accuweather

Local Seefeld Ski Trail Conditions

Local Tourism Information



Updates posted by AXCS National Director J.D. Downing


Friday, March 24 --  4:00m Seefeld Time updates 

--> Timing Chips all good!

We seem to have 100% accounted-for on the timing chip return. Thank you!


--> Folks riding USA buses tomorrow, make sure you are 100% good on the details

If you have not already, visit the USA Bus Information page and I updated everything that can be updated last night.

Remember that except for Bus #1 that I'm riding, the other buses will not have anyone counting passengers. #2 and #3 will leave each stop if you aren't early or on time to load with the group. 


--> For the banquet and closing tonight, note that food will not start until 7-7:30pm

There will be speeches, music, and what not for a good while. So you may want to eat snacks prior.


--> Safe and healthy travels everyone!!!

I'll follow-up with a trip finale email and post early next week. It's been a pleasure!

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Thursday, March 23 --  8:10pm Seefeld Time updates 

A few other non-Friday-race notes are below of general interest. Please scroll down.

--> Long Distance Classic Friday Race Info

Friday schedule is identical to Thursday.


8:30am -- M1 start...... 8:35am -- M2 start...... 8:40am -- M3 start...... 8:45am -- M4 start...... 8:50am -- M5 start...... 8:55am -- M6 start 

All M1-M6 guys will race FOUR (4) laps of the blue "7km" loop (in reality that'll be around a 22-24km race).


9:05am -- M7 start......9:15am -- M8 start......9:25am -- M9 start

10am -- F1 - F2 - F3 start.....10:05am -- F4 start.....10:10am -- F5 start.....10:15am -- F6 start

All of the above categories (M7-M8-M9 and F1-F6) will race THREE (3) laps of the blue "7km" loop (in reality around a 16-17km).


10:20am -- F7 start.....10:25am -- F8 start

Both F7 and F8 will race THREE (3) x 5km on the GREEN LIGHT loop (15km in total)


10:30am -- M10+ start and then 10:35am -- F9+ start ...... all these skiers doing TWO (2) x 5km on the GREEN LIGHT loop (10km in total)


Other most important things for Friday......

-> Lap process will be identical to Thursday long skate races. If you know what's up, skip down to next item. If you didn't watch or ski Thursday -- read on.

The actual start grid and finish chute will be identical to Sun-Tues races. But no one (literally no category) will actually complete laps in the stadium. Every category will start up the initial 50m of the last climb, then you'll hook a 180 to merge onto the first big downhill. There will be a section of separate marking so that no starting category swamps you as you do your mini-downhill back onto the flat. So the only time ANYONE has to do the full first big downhill is out of the start. By extension, the only time ANYONE will actually climb the entire last uphill back to the stadium is when you are actually finishing.


From 7:50am to 8:20am, you actually are somewhat encouraged to warm-up and test skis on the race track. You cannot ski backwards. You cannot skate. But the course guys actually want some "action" on the tracks because they anticipate the salting tonight will make things really hard and they want a few skiers to "warm up" the tracks. But note the hard close will begin at 8:20am. Wherever you be at that minute, you gotta get off.

During the actual races, no one is allowed to ski on the course that isn't racing. You cannot ski out to feed people. You cannot warm up on the course (except up to 8:20am). You cannot go out while the green loop skiers out skiing. No one. Period. If you want to do an unofficial feed away from the stadium, you need to hike or drive out.

-> Best place to do an unofficial feed is on either side of the the official feed zone -- which is now moved to the last little downhill after the switchbacks. People can easily get there on foot.

-> Warm-up and ski testing is the same as the past few days.

-> Weather forecast right now has a chance of drizzle from 8am-12pm. Now that chance of very light wetness has been moving around all week. So let's all think dry thoughts tonight. The forecast is helpful in that the warm-up tomorrow is forecast to be slower than Thursday which hopefully will keep tracks intact all morning.

-> The course will be re-salted tonight. Focusing on the tracks and herringbone hills. All downhills will be mostly flat (so no classic tracks) to allow for easier snowplowing and stepping. 1-2 tracks the entire route except if thin snow requires some no-track areas.

-> Away from the stadium complex the courses are identical to past races -- but remember you are either racing on the blue "7km" or the green 5km.

-> Technique zone in the same spot for both blue and green.

-> Same protest process.

-> FINAL NOTE FOR FRIDAY: The Jury and OC asked that everyone check back in the morning to make sure there aren't any emergency changes if the groomers have any "adventures" tonight. Basically there is one ice/snow bridge out there they are hoping will still hold the weight of the snowcat and then a couple spots they are hoping the tiller doesn't drop thru the manmade ice base and pull up a ton of yucky stuff. If all goes well, you won't see any "emergency change" notices here on Team USA Page or on But if there has to be a last second tweak or two -- there will be posted info by 7:50am (that's my last chance at the hotel).


--> Head's Up -- Munich Airport Strike Scheduled for Sunday, 26th and Monday, 27th

Your airline may send you a notice about this, but currently there is a scheduled labor strike fully impacting all Munich Airport flights on Sunday and Monday. 

You can see the airport notice here.

I know some of you were planning to fly out Sunday, so this will require action on your part to re-book with your airline and perhaps additional nights at hotels. I would suggest starting as soon as possible.

If you have the ability to be nimble using ground transport from Munich to another city (trains, buses, or rental car), you might be able to arrange flights thru another city. At least asking about Innsbruck would be a smart play given it's a short train ride away from Seefeld.


--> Departure Buses: A Lot More Details (live it, learn it, love it)

I've moved all the Departure Bus loading detailed info over to the USA Bus Page to keep this update page more generic for the entire USA contingent the next 36 hours.

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Earlier Thursday, March 23 updates 

--> Couple "real world" things for leaving Seefeld

Health The Next 72 Hours

Some advice notes from a physician in our contingent are below. We've been doing percentage-wise pretty dang good on overall group health up to this morning, but the goal is to keep those healthy numbers strong until you all are home or on to your next adventure.

-> If anyone comes down sick or if you are healthy, but normally immune compromised, -- it's a good idea to wear a mask while indoors with lots of people our remaining days here in Seefeld. Also just reduce indoor time with others as much as possible (easier today than Friday). Even if you just think you have a "cold" -- better safer than sorry.

-> For those that get sick, if you test for Covid and have a positive result -- your first next steps should be to try and see a local physician for a potential Paxlovid prescription AND (given our proximity to departure) you should also look into what you could do to delay your trip home until you are "safe" to travel. That's not an easy equation to consider, everyone gets it. But imagine how you would feel being on a trans-Atlantic flight next to someone that knows they are still positive. There is an Austrian hotline for advice at 1450.

Snow Salting Form Posted At Top of This Page

Our Canadian friends have notified me that their elite National Team has been having occasional issues this winter coming back into Canada after skiing on manmade snow. It seems that airport scanners and even security dogs are picking up false flags from some types of "salt" used for manmade snow.

The MWC2023 has produced the letter (linked at the top of this page for easy access) that documents that what you've been skiing on at times is actually pure pretzel salt (mustard is optional :-). I have no idea if this problem would or could happen with TSA on re-entry, but if you did run into an issue -- pop up the letter on your device to show authorities and one would hope it'd expedite an "all clear".

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Wednesday, March 22 --  8:35pm Seefeld Time updates 

Scroll down below Thursday race info for various things for all of Team USA plus preliminary info for departure buses and USA lodging check-out.

--> Long Distance FS Thursday Race Info

Some things anticipated, other surprises for tomorrow.

First -- the schedule is really changed. EVERYONE needs to pay close attention.


8:30am -- M1 start...... 8:35am -- M2 start...... 8:40am -- M3 start...... 8:45am -- M4 start...... 8:50am -- M5 start...... 8:55am -- M6 start 

All M1-M6 guys will race FOUR (4) laps of the blue "7km" loop (in reality that'll be around a 22-24km race).


9:05am -- M7 start......9:15am -- M8 start......9:25am -- M9 start

10am -- F1 - F2 - F3 start.....10:05am -- F4 start.....10:10am -- F5 start.....10:15am -- F6 start

All of the above categories (M7-M8-M9 and F1-F6) will race THREE (3) laps of the blue "7km" loop (in reality around a 16-17km).


10:20am -- F7 start.....10:25am -- F8 start

Both F7 and F8 will race THREE (3) x 5km on the GREEN LIGHT loop (15km in total)


10:30am -- M10+ start and then 10:35am -- F9+ start ...... all these skiers doing TWO (2) x 5km on the GREEN LIGHT loop (10km in total)


Other most important things for Thursday......

-> Although the actual start grid and finish chute will be identical to past races, no one (literally no category) will actually complete the lap in the stadium. Every category will start up the initial 50m of the last climb, then you'll hook a 180 to merge onto the first big downhill. There will be a section of separate marking so that no starting category swamps you as you do your mini-downhill back onto the flat. So the only time ANYONE has to do the full first big downhill is out of the start. By extension, the only time ANYONE will actually climb the entire last uphill back to the stadium is when you are actually finishing.

-> No one is allowed to ski on the course that isn't racing. You cannot ski out to feed people. You cannot warm up on the course at any time. You cannot go out while the green loop skiers out skiing. No one. Period. If you want to do an unofficial feed away from the stadium, you need to hike or drive out.

-> Best place to do an unofficial feed is on either side of the the official feed zone -- which is now moved to the last little downhill after the switchbacks. People can easily get there on foot.

-> Warm-up and ski testing is the same as the past few days.

-> Weather should be similar to today, but the course will not be re-salted. The course should carry some of the salting hardness from Wednesday.

-> Away from the stadium complex the courses are identical to past races -- but remember you are either racing on the blue "7km" or the green 5km.

-> Same protest process.


--> USA Relay Awesome-ness 

Great job to all our skiers and a heartfelt thank you to all our awesome alternates!!! A huge thank you to Connie and Audrey for managing bib distribution and collection!



When you are done with your very last race of the MWC2023, you must turn in your race chip to the Race Office!!!

If you look at the inside of your bib, there is a plastic square (race chip) stapled inside. This chip MUST be returned to the race office after you wrap up your racing or else AXCS will be billed 25 EUR per chip. That's a cost then I'd have to recover from you in coming weeks (hassle for us all).

PLEASE everyone help spread the word that these chips need to be returned. 

If you are done racing and don't want to look for the race office -- you can also simply leave your chip at the front desk of Alpenpark Hotel in my name (JD Downing). Have your name taped onto the chip or leave the entire bib (if you don't want to keep the bib).


--> Banquet Tickets Available

If you leave town early, please leave your credential with someone for non-racers to use for the banquet I know that Owen Hanley and Chris Puchner will not be using their banquet tickets. If you are in need of a couple, here's the contact info......hanleyao at hotmail dot com


--> Friday Lunch vs Dinner options at USA Hotels

I have confirmed for folks staying at Alpenpark that those going to the closing banquet on Friday evening can eat a lunch at the hotel from 1-2pm (this because you paid for hotel dinner in your package). The hotel will be asking everyone by tables in coming meals if you will do Friday lunch or dinner. 

For Zum Gourmet folks, I will make every effort in the next 24 hours to confirm whether that hotel will offer a similar lunch option. I already asked, but did not get an official reply. If anyone knows already, please email me.


--> Wednesday Illness Update

We know of 3 test-confirmed COVID cases (at least 1 case at both hotels) and a few new folks reporting colds. Thus far I have not had reports of folks hurting super bad (which we've had in past years when flu strains go nuts). So hopefully that will remain the case.

The key over the remaining days is following good health protocols as much as you can. Do as much outside as possible.

If you would like some light reading to help battle jet lag (if this doesn't put you to sleep, nothing will :-), read sections #5 and #6 on this page that describe the proven AXCS techniques for keeping as many of you healthy as possible.

****************** Past Posts ******************

--> Team Captain's Meeting Notes for Tuesday Mid-Distance Skate Races

-> Weather notes at the meeting exactly match the forecast from above. Close to freezing tonight, then a steady climb in temp from 40s to 50s over the race morning. No precipitation.

-> The OC and venue crew are already working this evening to drain some water spots, pushing spare snow into thin sections, and they will salt just the stadium hoping to harden things for both Tuesday and Wednesday.

-> No changes to either the planned courses or the lap counts for Tuesday. See the handout in the packet or official website for maps and lap counts.

-> It is essential that you know when you come up the hill into the stadium on your first lap, that the lap split is to the LEFT of the finish chute. From the top of the uphill, just veer left immediately and you'll naturally go into the lap 180. The finish chute would bend right and then be straight. So on your laps keep thinking LEFT LEFT LEFT when you get to the of the last uphill.

-> If you screw up and go into the finish chute, spin around and go back out the way you came in to do the correct lap process. You can't be DSQ'ed if you do that.

-> The warm-up tracks and process is exactly the same as Sunday and Monday. The course is totally closed to any skiing as of 8:35am. The Jury, OC and WMA are also now demanding that ZERO SKIING or walking take place on the course during any active race. Please don't let any USA skier or supporter be part of the problem. 

-> Dirt is now actually the biggest issue to keeping the courses in place thru Friday. So every nation is being begged to avoid tracking dirt/mud onto any of the snow. Please do everything you can to stay off ANY snow with boots/shoes. If it's unavoidable, then do everything possible to clean your shoes before stepping on any snow.

-> No spectating is allowed next to the first downhill or last uphill (where I have been a lot both days thus far). There is simply no room for anyone except coaches/officials.

-> If you want to feed anyone, please focus on the suggested spot from the Monday races (and avoid bringing ANY dirt on the course!).

-> Same protest process as Sunday and Monday.


--> Missing Poles (two sets)

Black Madshus poles -- no name on them -- 160cm. Please check the poles you have if you have black poles and were skiing today.

Emily Lovett -- Leki classic poles 147cm, name not on them, were set outside the USA wax cabin at bottom of stairs. 

There was a pair of black Madshus poles up at the bottom of the wax room stairs at around 12:45pm today. It is most probable that a few folks have accidentally done a round robin with poles. Please check what's in your room right now.


--> Anyone leaving early, Banquet pass wanted

Joy Cordell is interested in getting a spare credential if you won't be going to the Friday banquet. Email: joy.cordell at gmail dot com


--> And finally...a peek towards Thursday/Friday long races

By vote of National Directors today, the long distance races will be run on just the blue and green courses. Everyone wanted fewer laps. so M7-9 and F1-7 skiers will join M1-6 skiing laps on the blue "7km". Green loop skiers will stay green.

What is not decided officially yet is the actual length and thus lap count for the long races. Venue, OC, and WMA officials all feel confident we will have races the next four days. But there is a growing sentiment that it may be necessary to cut down the long  race lengths a bit to have the snow last in some sections (people lasting is another matter :-). 

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Sunday, March 19 --  9:30pm Seefeld Time updates 

--> Lüsens-Praxmar Nordic Skiing

Natalie Dawson (thank you!) has shared the following for all Team USA to think about for ski options in coming days.

For those looking to ski outside of Seefeld, the Lüsens-Praxmar ski trails in the Sellrain valley are a great option. From their website: "The high-altitude trail in Lüsens is about 15 kilometres long, has multiple tracks and is well-groomed. It runs through an idyllic landscape, embedded in steep mountain slopes. Whether it is “classic” or “skate skiing”, both cross-country skiing variations are possible on this trail in Lüsens-Praxmar."

Recent conditions report from Saturday, March 18th are good snow coverage for the valley loops, and workable coverage for the trail connecting Lüsens to Praxmar. There are bathrooms, restaurants, and guest houses available in the valley. For more information, a map and information, you can visit the website here.

Travel: Without a personal vehicle, it is train/bus combination that requires a transfer from the Seefeld-Innsbruck train to a bus that takes you to Praxmar, the village where you can then ski a short distance downhill to the valley trails in Lüsens. It is approximately 38km from Seefeld so a short car ride (~40 minutes) but by bus/train it takes about 2hrs 45minutes. 

JD Comment: It's worth talking with the front desk at your lodging location about shuttle options for this type of day trip. If you have a group of people, sharing the cost of a van + driver could be pencil out on price and time. You could also think about going to Innsbruck and renting a car for a couple days as a group.

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Sunday, March 19 --  7:30pm Seefeld Time updates 

--> Team Captain's Meeting Notes for Monday Mid-Distance CL Races

-> Weather will likely be similar to this evening. Drizzle or light rain is possible thru around 10am (if we use forecast which seems to be the most accurate). Overnight there is a period where the rain could turn to wet snow. By mid-day, cloudy and mild to the end of the races. 

-> IMPORTANT: Before you leave your lodging, go on-line and check to see if there is any flash bulletin about a delayed start due to salting the course or any need to re-groom (new wet snow).

-> Many of the basic stadium notes for the Saturday races will still apply to Monday. Same start process. Same USA wax set-up. Same warm-up/wax test area. Same protest process. Same pole length control.

-> In the 7:30-8:35am allowed access to the course, for Monday you will be able to get on the course from the top of the 2nd-to-last-hill right below the USA wax cabin. But remember the course is totally closed to testing and training as of 8:35am.

-> On Monday, everyone is doing 2 or 3 laps of your designated courses.

M1-M6 do 3 x 7km blue.

M7-8-9 and F1-F8 do 3 x 5km red.

M10-11-12 and F9-11 do 2 x 5km green.

-> To lap, you will climb up to the stadium and go down a marked track to the immediate left of the finish stretch. You hook a wide 180 next to the finish and then proceed to a merger with the start track. Since there will be some overlap between new category starts and skiers doing a lap, the starter will delay starts as needed to avoid a lapping skier being devoured by a fresh category field. 

-> There will be 2-4 tracks depending on weather and grooming. It was not mentioned at the meeting, but it is possible that the tracks will be more in the center of the manmade apron and it is also possible that there will not be a couple of the straight track-less sections. But this is speculation.

-> There will be the same classic technique zone at about 2km. They will mark the edge of the zone with tree boughs to better define when you are in the zone. 

-> Watch your classic technique out there! There were a couple skiers DSQ today and three others have yellow cards. Controllers are watching.

-> There will be an official feed station as you do the 180 portion of the lap track in the stadium. They will have something similar to the post-race drink today.

-> If you are feeding others, the jury recommends that you use the end of the switchbacks away from town as you would have a chance to offer feeds in a couple directions and also see a great deal of the course. This would remain the recommendation for the long distance races Thursday/Friday.

-> On Sunday, several skiers were skiing the wrong way on the course (spectating mostly). This is strictly forbidden. You really shouldn't be on the course at all during the races, but if you simply have to get out to a specific spot to watch or feed -- you MUST be only classic skis and you MUST on in the direction of the race. 

-> JD Coaching Tip: Get a big plastic trash bag at your lodging tonight or at a store in the morning to  be ready to cover your gear bag with that trash bag and also put it under the blue USA tent across the driveway from our 2nd floor wax cabin.

-> Medal ceremony again will start at 5:30pm sharp. From now until last race, the ceremonies will be half as long since today was the only double race day this year.


--> Relay Availability (yes or no) Needed By Monday Evening!!!!!!!!

Please see huge link at top of page. If you simply cannot get the Google sheet to work, email jd at xcskiworld dot com and I'll mark you down. 

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Saturday, March 18 --  3:30-4:30pm Seefeld Time updates 

--> Team Captain's Meeting Notes for Sunday Races

-> The OC is using the forecast (linked above) and I have found that forecast the most consistent since our arrival and matched to reports from the gang that arrive to Seefeld early. Tomorrow should be similar to today, except the temp should stabilize more in the late afternoon, more clouds, and then a chance of rain growing in the mid-afternoon. The latest skate categories may see some moisture on Sunday, but also maybe not.

-> Course is only open for testing from 7:45am - 8:35am. Hard shut at 8:35am. Don't let any USA skier be part of the problem!

-> No one should be testing or skiing backwards on the course in that early window or anytime (there were some dangerous situations today) and absolutely no one on course that isn't actively racing. Don't let any USA skier or supporter be part of the problem!

-> Offical ski test and warm-up tracks are accessed by the tunnel that runs under the early race course switchbacks over to the manmade strip that runs into downtown. You access the tunnel from below the big tent. For some folks on Sunday, it will be easiest just to walk your gear thru the tunnel first, warm-up/ski test, then hike up to our USA area to drop gear for your race. 

-> If you have not been there already, the USA wax and gear storage spots is the double deck separate building at the very top of the stadium complex -- and the blue tent plus wooden pallets across the driveway. There are several work spots inside the 2nd story of the building (marked with USA signs) and then you can store gear under the tent (if it's wet) or on the wooden pallets.

-> I asked about toilets and there are multiple options -- but they are quite spread out so it's hard to know how this will go. If you look at the Race Program (page 19) or online here -- the stadium map shows locations of toilets on both sides of the big tent. What you don't see is there are additional toilets inside the Competition Office building. A 2-3 person restroom (each gender) upstairs and then a 1 person toilet downstairs. These are worth searching out on Sunday when you arrive to know where they are at. There also will be 1-2 toilets in the actual stadium near the pre-start. If there are simply not enough toilets on Sunday, then I need to know. But please make an effort to try multiple spots since everything is so spread out.

-> All racers should arrive to stadium entrance gate (1/2 way between USA wax and big tent) 10mins before start to go thru the pre-start process. If it stays warm, you can easily show up in your race kit ready-to-go. But if you want to leave a jacket/bag once in the pre-start area, there will be hangers as you go into the stadium entrance. The OC will move the hangers into the nearby tunnel if there is any precipitation.

-> It will be smart to cover your after-race bag especially if you are a Sunday skater. Under our blue USA tent, in the wooden pallets, or you can also just wrap a bag in a plastic garbage bag. Please do not store bags inside the 2nd story USA wax room -- that should be only active waxing in there and NOT gear storage!

-> For the actual start, you are assigned a lane and row spot. Volunteers will guide you to your spot. Lanes are number 1-16 wide and the biggest category (maybe M6?) is only four rows deep. 

-> On the start there will be classic tracks for 50m (for both for Classic and Skate races!) and then an open mix zone. Classic skiers need to maintain classic technique as much as possible throughout the entire stadium. Skate skiers have to double pole only in the classic tracks and then be quick-but-careful in the mix zone. Do not be surprised that this is a hot mess because it will narrow and then go into a turning downhill. Just try and keep a smile, go quickly but relaxed, find your spots to move safely, and get down to the lower switchbacks safely. 

-> Classic Race Only: At around 1.5-2km, there is a technique zone marked with alpine flags at the start/finish and also signs saying "start/end of technique zone". You need to keep your eyes open to make sure you see the zone markers. The technique zone is on the first actual steeper hill after you have gone out and back to the furthest switchback point down the lower meadows. In a technique zone, you must only either diagonal stride or herringbone. You cannot double pole or double pole kick. There will be monitors and you can be disqualified or get time sanctions if you violate the zone rules.

-> Classic Race Only: In that furtherest meadow switchback, on most faster/turning downhills, and on the one 7km hill that has a narrow steeper section -- there will not be classic tracks set. But you are required to maintain classic technique whenever not in a clearly sharp turn.

-> For the finish chute, there will be 3 tracks set for classic and 3 skate chutes for skate. You are not allowed to track anyone in the finish chute. You have to go around and not interfere with others doing so.

-> The FIS Technical Delegate (TD) has emphasized that it is up to all skiers to maintain good manners on the course. That is particularly important given tricky conditions and tight spaces. Even if others are behaving badly, let's show the world that USA is classy and awesome.

-> If you do run into a situation where you want to lodge a formal protest, here's the scoop:

- Only the USA National Director (that's me) can file the protest. So your first job is to find me and explain what happened. I will race the M6 race on Sunday (my only race) so prior to start I'll be warming-up and then in final prep. Then after I change, I'll be generally very near the start/finish area.

- Any protest has to happen within 30mins after unofficial results for your category are posted. That usually happens a few minutes after the last skier in the category crosses the line. If I'm actively racing, just find a jury member and then can temporarily help you until I am available. The protest has to be written down and a 100 EUR non-refundable fee paid.

- Formal protests are usually only worth filing if it will change a medal standings in your favor. By contrast, if someone did something particularly dangerous or rude, it is better to give me all the facts and I will then follow-up with the jury or another National Director to create good trouble (but that doesn't require a write-up or fee). Always remember I have 100% better chance of catching a troublemaker if you remember a bib number of the guilty person. You also need to get me word super quick. Waiting until the evening or next day will do almost no good unless there's a repeat behavior.

- -> Classic Race Only: This will likely impact no one, but WMA is enforcing the FIS maximum classic pole length of 83% of your body. If you show up with what looks like super long poles, they'll measure. Otherwise not.

- Results will be published online on website, in the big tent on screens, and posted on wall boards in tunnel to the big tent.

- Anyone with a car can only park at the indoor tennis court area across the drainage from the race course switchbacks. 

- Medal ceremony for both Sunday races will start at 5:30pm at the big tent. Medalists must be on time as everything is super scripted to go as fast as possible. Medalists will sit initially in specific locations in the first three rows -- so don't hang out with your buddies/family in the back. 

- The OC has added some evening bus rotations for yellow and blue lines. I have one written copy, but I believe the new evening loops will be posted to soon.


--> Coaching Notes

-> There will be smoother snow and less traffic on the outside of every turn (even the faster turns). If you need to feel comfortable rather than gain every second, go to the outside.

-> A mention about course length and laps (several of you have asked). Sunday will 100% be 1 lap for everyone. Period. Either you are going "7km" or "5km" depending on age/gender category. For coming days, decisions on lap counts and any changes to courses will be a day-by-day process by the jury consulting with the OC and WMA. If you are wondering, I will have limited say. There are a lot of good people in charge of the snow, grooming, etc.. They are going to watch everything and consider everything to get all six individual races + the relay in the books. Just smile, roll with it, and enjoy the ride whatever comes.


--> Couple Other items

-> No one registered as a racer for MWC2023 should buy a banquet ticket. The banquet is automatically included in your race entry. For non-racers, you have a choice of buying an extra ticket in the big tent (latest by Tuesday, 21st) -- or -- you can try and snag a credential from someone leaving early.

-> The Rosshuette voucher in your race bag refers to a discounted ride up and one free drink up at top — this is good once during event week. Please share knowledge and hot tips with others if you have done this.

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Friday, March 17 --  9:30pm Seefeld Time updates 

--> Race Start Times For All Six Individual Races Posted (new evening update)

On the page, you have to scroll down to the latest news to see it -- but there is a link over to all six Individual Race start lists. Or just click the highlight here.

Note that for space reasons, this stadium will have 16 start lanes. So every category start with 16 or fewer skiers means everyone is on the front row. If 2-3 categories are starting together (done to compress starts with categories with really small numbers --, the typical jury decision is to put the younger category on the front row with the next youngest category on row 2.


--> Meals At Alpenpark  (new evening update)

Alpenpark updates for Saturday 18th-Saturday AM 25th

-> The NOR National Director and myself met with the hotel director today and got several things modified for the coming week.

-> Breakfast start times will be adjusted to be 7am on Sunday and Wednesday (shorter races & relay) and 6:30am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday next week. For a portion of the early start times, food options will be deep carb items like porridge, breads, fruit. More elaborate food in the full buffet won't be offered for the first hour or so.

-> For dinners, you are NOT required to sit at the same table with the same people any longer. However, the caveat is that if you pick something from the menu at breakfast -- then for dinner you at least need to return to the same table you marked the menu. That helps wait staff keep orders straight. Alternatively you can just skip marking the menu in the morning and then select menu items when you sit down in the evening.

-> Also for dinners, you hopefully saw tonight that there was pasta/sauce added to the salad/dessert buffet. In coming nights that will be expanded a bit by the kitchen so for those that like a lot of simple night-before-racing carbs -- you will be game on. Yes, you can eat the extra buffet food items AND select from the menu. 

-> If you want to have wine/beer at dinner, you need to provide a credit card to the front desk BEFORE you have a meal. The hotel needs to set up a charge account for you. The restaurant staff can't easily do that.

-> Even with nightly evening ceremonies from here on out, dinner hours will remain 6-8pm. We are all hoping the MWC2023 learned how efficient Canmore ran ceremonies last year (not the least your loyal National Director and WMA President twho told this year's OC twice back last summer to study the Canmore video tapes!). So hopefully all medal ceremonies will be done within an hour. That would give enough time to transport back and still catch the last portion of dinner.

-> For Friday the 24th, because of the banquet/closing ceremony, the hotel will offer a lunch option for those attending the banquet. They will most likely at some point need a headcount of anyone that is NOT going to the banquet to plan staff and food.

-> For departure day Saturday 25th, we will have the option of some grab-and-go items for the Departure Bus #1 and Departure Bus #2 folks that leave before any breakfast would be ready. Depaurture Bus #3 folks will need to eat super quick and be ready to load.


--> Meals At Zum Gourmet  (new evening update)

After I finish this update, I will be emailing Zum Gourmet asking for several items from the list above to be offered you folks starting Sunday. Please someone let me know in person (so I don't get a billion more emails) if you need something else related to food communicated to Zum Gourmet management.


--> Saturday Opening Ceremony: 6pm At Stadium MWC Tent  (new evening update)

Normally I strongly encourage USA skiers and family to attend both the Opening and Closing Ceremonies because they are pretty fun and usually quite time efficient.

However, given the time/hassle factors going over/back from hotels to stadium (see below note about shuttles), I completely understand if some of you don't want to invest the roundtrip effort/time for the Opening Ceremony. If we get an evening shuttle loop added, that could help the equation. 

For those that win medals over the coming week, going to your ceremony is a must-do event (Sun-Thur medal ceremonies start at 5:30pm). But hopefully the shuttle equation will improve by Sunday PM.


--> More (& Less) About Local Shuttles   (new evening update)

For all those that have picked up your race packet/bib — you should have a glossy program inside the bag. Inside that program should be the same local shuttle route map and schedule that are posted too small to easily read on the In a tragic-comedic twist, the actual route map in the gloss program is also too small to easily read. The bigger print program map is useful for getting around town — but it does very little by itself for figuring out bus shuttles.

It took me a good bit of studying, but there are a couple ways to make the shuttles reduce the walking distance and time required for one-way transport for those staying at Zum Gourmet and Alpenpark going to/from the stadium complex.

From both hotels, you will need to walk down to the Zentrum Apothekenparkplatz stop which looks to be immediately SE of the roundabout circle in the middle of the village core. My guess is that walk will take 5-7mins from either USA hotel (downhill). Add a few minutes for the return walk.

There are two shuttle routes that are super quick from the Zentrum Apothekenparkplatz stop to near the stadium that will run on all race days and also tomorrow (Saturday). On race days, either the yellow or blue race day route is just 2-3 stops and roughly 6 minutes to the Gschwandtkopf apartments. Then it’s just a few minutes more walk to the stadium complex.

The key will be asking the driver if they are just 2-3 stops/6 minutes away from the Gschwandtkopf/stadium stop.

For return back to your hotel, you should be able to take either a blue or yellow ski bus route option from Gschwandtkopf/stadium to Zentrum Apothekenparkplatz in either 2 or 3 stops. So again, you want to confirm Zentrum Apothekenparkplatz is just 2-3 stops/6 minutes of a ride.

The bottom line on time/hassle factor is that If you get really lucky, you can go from hotels to stadium in about 15mins and cut your walking time down to two shorter walks of around 6mins and maybe 2-4mins — broken up by a short ride on the bus. That isn’t ideal, but it’s at least less walking for those that really need less walking.

For those that look at all I've written here and determine you might as well do the walk/ski combo or just walk the full 20-30mins -- that is perfectly fine. As long as our weather stays very springlike, it is a pleasant walk and you can factor it in to your warm up and cool down process.

Final note -- The WMA Executive had a multi-hour meeting today and a chunk of time was devoted to these shuttles including the fact that there are currently no bus options for early evening ceremonies (which are now nightly from Saturday 18th to Friday 24th. So you can expect some type of update to the shuttles coming by tomorrow.


Friday, March 17 --  Afternoon Seefeld Time updates 

--> Relay Availability Sheet Now Posted 

If you didn't already see it, the USA Relay Availability Sheet is posted. EVERYONE please put down a "yes" or "no" for your availability to ski a leg if I name you to a roster. I would like to see EVERYONE marked one way or the other by Monday late afternoon.

As I do every year, here are the two keys to the Availability Sheet

1.) I need to know EVERYONE's availability because a blank space leaves me guessing and that's bad. Even if you think the chance of being picked is remote, if you are able and willing to do a relay leg on Wednesday, 22nd -- put down YES and what techniques you are equipped here in Seefeld to do. If you are a hard "no", I need to know that so I don't put you into what will be absolutely frantic calculations Tuesday afternoon.

2.) "Maybe" is not helpful. Put down either "yes" or "no" availability and what techniques you are equipped here in Seefeld to do.

3.) We only have to have one person actually in the age category of a given relay category. Up to 3 skiers can drop "down" in age. We can never pull people up. If you are a younger USA skier (30s and 40s would be consider "younger" here -- you are particularly valuable even if you don't feel super fast. This is because sometimes just by you being willing to do a relay leg we can drop 3 other skiers down in age to ski with you to form a "legal" team in the younger age categories -- and sometimes be in the medal hunt!

I have loads more info about how the relays work on this page. Learn it, live it, love it.


--> Waxing at hotels (updated Friday afternoon)

Alpenpark waxing set-up is solved. There are plenty of tables, good power, perfect set-up in the parking garage. Go thru fitness room and you'll see an arrow to garage.

Zum Gourmet waxing is literally doubled in quality. I have borrowed a Toko table and built-in profile that I delivered to the hotel by lunchtime. Once you folks add 1 more profile or vice set-up -- you'll have four working spots which is all that will fit in that room. Note that the borrowed Toko rig will have to be returned to the stadium by Friday, 24th afternoon.


--> USA stadium waxing and gear set-up (updated Friday afternoon)

-> If you did not see it today, the USA waxing rooms are on the 2nd floor of the topmost building in the stadium complex. Boulder Nordic (BNS) will be based in the back 1/3rd of the room. The front 2/3rds of the room has tables (now) and we just need some USA folks willing to leave your clamps/profiles/etc on those tables for the next week. Your ski holders will be safe. BNS will be locking the room every night to keep their gear safe. 

-> Our internal Team USA rule is that we don't want ski bags and personal bags in the 2nd floor waxing room. With 130+ racers, there simply is NOT room in the wax area for bags. Just bring yourself and skis you are going to work on to the 2nd floor.

-> When you arrive each day, leave your bags either outside the 1st floor locked doors -- OR -- we have a USA tent (blue top) that is moved 20m towards the main waxing rooms in a little protected "cove". That tent and "cove" is a perfect spot to leave bags and there is even a little bench to sit for changing boots/shoes. As long as we don't have precipitation, the tent isn't needed. But if we do get some type of wetness -- the USA tent should be used to cover personal bags (ski bags can get wet).

-> There is a universal changing tent at the base of the driveway up to our USA building. Use that tent if you need more protection from elements or for privacy.


--> Waxing Cleaner

If anyone is out shopping, it would be amazing to have a small/medium container of wax cleaner that we can leave for communal use in the 2nd floor USA stadium tent/containers all week. It would also be great to have a communal container at Alpenpark and Zum Gourmet wax rooms. 

Usually if one person buys a modest size container at the start of a MWC, that will last for a week easily. But if we need more, then someone else can buy another halfway thru. AXCS can reimburse the cost if you don't want to make it a donation to the greater good (save your receipt).

Virtually all wax cleaners are "no fly" products. Every year we have multiple cans of wax cleaner that literally goes in the trash so let's be smart and share.


--> Local Shuttles (working on it, but....)

At least initially, the permanent local bus loop seems to run so slowly and stops are so spaced on the edges of the village that folks at hotels are often (now) best off walking to the stadium rather than walking to a bus pick-up and waiting.

I will gently see what can realistically be done by the O.C. to improve the situation. But the O.C. may not have the ability to change things if this is "just the way it is in Seefeld". 

It's also possible that effective tomorrow (official training day) and then Sunday-Friday all the race days -- the bus loop could be enhanced with more stops closer to hotels and more frequency. That's what I'm hoping for.

If you did not already this morning, it is roughly a 12-14 minute walk to the snow strip that comes into edge of town from the ski stadium. There are benches to change boots there. Then you can ski a gentle 500-600m up to the race course + stadium complex.  Going back to hotels you'd need to reverse the route.

All that posted, please know everyone that I realize that this back-and-forth walking and sort-of-skiing-with-gear adds a fair bit to your exercise plan for the week. This is especially true factoring in the ceremonies for every evening. I also fully understand it's not super easy to ski or walk with extra skis and waxing gear.

Bottom line: This is not how the O.C. has described how local transportation would be handled and it is not per WMA operating standards. I'm on trying -- but it's also going to be super delicate trying to improve this one. 


--> Stuff to do without recreational skiing options

Anyone that comes up with a hot tip on stuff to do outside and active with little in the way of recreational skiing right now (hiking, biking, alpine skiing, whatever), please send me a concise email with what you found out, where it can be found, costs, etc. so I can share with the contingent.

--> Great Arrival Day

Thanks to everyone for a super smooth arrival day. Buses went as planned. We got lucky with largely smooth travel and only a few delayed bags. Special thanks to Milan and Nick for leading Bus #1.

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Tuesday, March 14 --  6:00pm PST updates 

--> All systems "go" for travel and arrival!!!

The overall snow/weather race equation in Seefeld remains stable and organizationally everything is "go-go-go".

Please remember to stay calm if you hit any snags in your travel. Bus people please follow instructions on the USA Bus Page for notifying JD once you know your delay situation. 

For those on USA Arrival Buses on Thursday, please also take the time to read everything on the USA Bus Page as all the directions you actually need are posted. We do have 41 people schedule for Bus #1 (loading 10-10:30am) so anticipate a tight squeeze with bags. If everything doesn't go on, Four Seasons Travel and (hopefully within minutes after you leave) JD will get extra bags on Bus #2 or #3.

Once you are in Seefeld -- whether you come via USA buses or on your own, if you are on the AXCS Lodging Package your lodging location has your name and everything is (or will be) paid. 

Check-in at Zum Gourmet is officially 2pm on Thursday. Usual thing if your room is ready maybe you can get in earlier. We did not get word from Alpenpark, but let's assume it's in the 2-3pm range. The check-in info for USA Apartments is linked above.

Remember everyone in the Lodging Package that your AXCS billing included taxes due for the number of people AXCS had in your room/apartment. AXCS is (or will be) paying those taxes. The front desk should know this, but just in case -- be firm.


--> Info about In-Seefeld MWC2023 Transportation Coming

I've asked the OC for an update to be posted about in-Seefeld transportation. Hopefully look at this page of the official site and something will appear soon.

We do know from posted info now that your MWC2023 racer credentials will act as a free bus pass. For non-racing family/friends, you may (or may not) need to buy a pass. Every year this is an unknown until we see how strict bus pass checks are going. You'll figure it out.


--> A Note About Packets/Bib Pick-up Starting Friday

If you scroll to the bottom of the official event site, you will see drop down menus for Bib Pick-up and "Deposit of Transponders". 

The Bib Pick-up process starts on Friday (all hours and days are listed) at the MWC tent in the stadium. That part is pretty straightforward. All USA athletes are responsible for arranging pick-up of your own bib/packet.

The Transponder Deposit process is a little bit trickier. Transponders are timing bracelets that absolutely/positively MUST be returned to the designated location in the stadium immediately after you finish your last MWC race. 25 EUR will be charged for any transponder that walks away after the MWC is finished. 

I have communicated with the O.C. that AXCS will cover the required transponder deposit for all USA athletes. However, AXCS is not -- repeat NOT -- going to pick up your bib/packet. I also have a lot of errands to run on Friday and do not have a car. I will try and get to the stadium early enough that I can pay a general Team USA deposit so that all of you will be able to pick up your bib/packet without hassle. 

But please note that if you try to pick up your bib/packet on the early side Friday, you may run into volunteers that either insist that I get there first to pay the team deposit -- OR -- you may have to pay your own 25 EUR refundable deposit -- OR -- you may have to wait an hour or two to get your bib/packet. 

You should be able to ski on Friday without a bib/packet. So the more you can delay pick-up of the bib/packet -- please do so to make this smoother for everyone.


--> Waxing At USA Hotels (a head's up)

On the less-good-news front, I was made aware today of a fairly epic organizational blunder by various parties in Europe related to hotel waxing spaces. The short version is that the official MWC hotels were never told they needed to provide a reasonable amount of waxing space on-site.  This should have been automatic for a MWC event, but it didn't happen. So now we need to figure it out.

Note: Folks in USA Apartments and independent skiers are not impacted as you are either close enough to the stadium waxing set-up (Apartments) or knew you were on you own.

I (JD) will spend time on Friday trying to negotiate something better at the USA hotels. I will be honest and warn everyone at Zum Gourmet and Alpenpark that I may or may not be successful. I'll post word here on the Team USA Info Page once I know what I know.

Worst case, we will need to do major ski waxing work at the USA wax cabins and tent at the stadium. At that location I will have a great deal more "pull" so if we need more tables or more power plugs -- it's within my bandwidth to secure. 


--> USA Wax Rooms at Stadium 

I (JD) have a lot of errands to run on Friday morning, but one of the priorities is to get keys for our official USA wax rooms + tent and sort out how we are going to organize things there. 

I'm going to ask EVERYONE to be patient and understanding on Friday while the sorting process gets settled. Please anticipate that your bags may need to suddenly be moved if you leave stuff in the USA spaces while you ski Friday.

We need to get space arranged for Boulder Nordic, we also need to figure out more on-site waxing if the USA hotel waxing equation can't be improved, we need to preserve some changing space, AND we need make sure that some areas can be locked at night so gear is safer. 

*****************   *****************   *****************


Monday, March 13 --  9:00am PST updates 

--> Race Schedule for First Three Days Re-jiggered 

Official announcements have just been sent worldwide so here is scoop on the adjusted plan for the first four MWC2023 races that the OC and WMA have agreed on. To be clear -- all MWC races are absolutely happening. But the Race 1-4 order is changed and one race moved into the original rest day. Here is the new Competition Program layout.

Notable notes:

-> All short distance races (CT & FT) will now be held Sunday 19th morning into mid-day. No re-groom between classic and skate, the courses are wide enough to keep techniques separate.

-> Short distance 10km races are now reduced to a 1-lap 7km. Short distance 5km is a 1-lap 5km. This plan will greatly reduce crowding given compressed starts.

-> Middle distance classic technique races will now be held Monday 20th morning.

-> Middle distance free technique will now be held Tuesday 21st morning (originally the rest day)

-> These adjustments are being made to optimize the best window of daily race conditions given near-certain spring melt/freeze snow. Also to reduce the amount of crowding on the courses.

-> No plans or schedules have been adjusted for the relay and long distances (March 22-23-24). Those should be good-to-go as they aren't double race days and we can focus all racing energy on mornings to catch the best spring ski conditions.

The OC, WMA Executive, and myself as your National Director recognize and respect that changing the day slots may impact the ability of a few folks to take part in scheduled races. This is one of those "have to make decisions for the greater good" situations. Recovery patterns will also need to be adjusted for some of you vs. your original plan. 

Veteran MWC skiers will probably realize that I will have even less time than normal to determine and organize relay teams. I will be depending on all USA racers (even those not interested in the relay) to help streamline the relay process over the next week.

Bottom line: We are going to have some fun races in a great location!


--> Seefeld Snow/Race Course Notes

Word direct from Seefeld today (Monday) was good skiing on the race tracks, particularly early in the morning when the snow remained firm (hence why the adjusted plan for Races 1-4). The fresh snow from Sunday is now melted from outside the race courses (hence why I didn't want to share pictures from yesterday, just would have been mean). The new snow did get mixed into the manmade "glacier" to fresh things a wee bit.

Weather forecast the next 2 days will be a bit of a roller coaster with varying snow levels. Then most models show a more stable springlike pattern into the weekend.

AXCS has word on some possible higher elevation ski spots for recreational skiing day trips in the region. Will share information as soon as the basic logistics can be verified.


More updates from Sunday...................


--> Still chasing down the final AXCS waivers needing to be turned in

Thanks to everyone that has sent in waivers!

We are getting there, but there are still about a dozen folks for which we still need to collect an AXCS waiver for either the lodging package and/or bus rides. All AXCS needs is a signature and a smart phone picture of the waiver emailed back.


--> Trip chart and March 16 Arrival Bus Chart Updated

The Team USA overall Lodging and Independent folks chart has been updated as of Sunday late afternoon. Please check your name to make sure all is current info.

Also we had multiple moves on the March 16 Arrival Bus Chart so that has been updated and re-posted on the Bus Page.

From previous updates.....

Detailed Arrival Bus plan + back-up emergency options is posted in addition to the key map/instructions of how to find our bus company -- Four Seasons Travel -- in the Munich Airport has been posted on the USA Bus Info page and is also available here

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Saturday, March 11 --  12:30pm PST updates 

--> Seefeld Snow/Race Course Saturday Notes

AXCS has gotten a "bonus" report from member Rich Suddock who is in Seefeld early and already got in a late afternoon ski today. I'll have more info tomorrow from several sources, but I wanted to share a couple key things from the info Rich reported + other notes overnight.

--> The primary race loop of manmade snow is indeed fully covered with several feet of manmade snow (really in spring conditions the manmade is more like a temporary glacier). Rich's report matches some other notes that the primary manmade loop is a bit short. It is also easier terrain which will help some skiers in the spring conditions.

--> There is a second manmade loop available to train on, but it is much harder terrain and has some thin spots. 

--> Recreational ski trails in the valley are not available until there is a good amount of fresh snow. So the hunt is currently on for any higher elevation trail options for your off days plus a magical March snow dose. Stay tuned on this.  :-)

--> Right now skiing is undeniably spring melt/thaw conditions. Forecasts are still a mixed bag, but it's probable we will see some type of these conditions into at least the early part of the race window. In pure spring snow, there will be variability in skiing quality depending on time someone is skiing and daily weather. The Organizers (OC) and WMA officials are super experienced so every trick will be on the table if/when it's needed to make for the highest quality races possible.

--> Per official emails today, organizationally everything with the MWC2023 remains "go" and I do not anticipate this changing anytime soon or at all.

*****************   *****************   *****************


Friday, March 10 --  12:00pm PST updates 

--> Let’s Talk About Snow/Weather/Outlook In Seefeld As Of Today

I know that all of you have been monitoring snow and weather conditions in Seefeld for several weeks now, so we can cut the chase on what things look like currently and probabilities for the coming two weeks.  

Webcams and forecasts are only so useful in giving a “true” picture of things, so I’ve been tapping reliable sources and this is what I know as of Friday mid-day Pacific Time.

-> The Seefeld race tracks continue to be in good to very good shape with a strong base of manmade snow. Manmade snow tends to be very durable in spring-like conditions where temperatures flux and precipitation is varied. Pictures from folks actually on the ski trails show cleaner and deeper race course snow than the webcams. 

-> There is fresh snow forecast this weekend. Actual amounts are all over the map on forecasts (even locals have no idea how this is going to go). Even a small amount of white stuff would “freshen” things up. More would be outstanding. We all hope for more, more, more!

-> The recreational trails at the valley level are largely not functioning right now. But I am told it takes very little new snow to open those trails. I am currently gathering info on some spots to recreational ski at higher elevations. It is highly likely that higher elevations will net quite a bit of new snow in the coming week. So having options for fun recreational skiing is favorable. 

-> Although these days we are all unfortunately getting used to riding out event countdowns in situations like this, it is vital to separate opinions & rumors from actual facts. So here we go….

Fact: The MWC2023 races and overall event remains 100% “on” and up to this very moment zero contingency discussions have taken place between the WMA and the OC. I am not only the USA National Director, but also the current WMA President. So if truly serious problems develop endangering the viability of the MWC2023 — per contract I literally have to be directly involved in discussions, decisions, contingency plans. 

Fact: The forecasts for the next week show a mix bag depending on which forecast you look at and when. A pragmatic outlook is that by our main contingent arrival on March 16, the net outcome of the average forecast models would be that conditions on the race tracks will either improve or be similar to what you see now -- which is indeed enough to be "full gas" with the MWC race program.

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Saturday, March 4 --  3:30pm PST updates 

--> When you arrive instructions for USA Apartment folks

This USA Apartment pdf should have the essential check-in info and some other tid-bits of note for all Lodging folks booked in USA apartments. 

Please note that the lodging tax for each person, each night was factored into the amount you paid via AXCS and the Apartments have already been pre-paid by AXCS that tax due. The cleaning fee due for each USA Apartment was also factored into what you already paid.

Please carefully look at your final receipt a day BEFORE check out (in case you charge any incidentals) and make sure you are NOT billed for taxes or cleaning fees. 


--> Waxing Updates

For those planning to work on your own skis, a good question has been asked about waxing at our USA hotels. By WMA rule and Requirement Specifications, all official MWC hotels need to have a waxing area at the hotel or very close by. This is the way it's supposed to work -- but it doesn't always work the way we want when we arrive. Sometimes takes a little juggling (JD's task to solve).

JD will attempt to confirm with the Organizing Committee that both Zum Gourmet and Alpenpark have waxing areas. But this could be an eleventh hour update because of notes above (still waiting on some confirmations of lodging movements). 

The USA Apartment folks are close enough to the stadium that you should be able to wax at our USA appointed wax room (should be easy walking distance for you) that you'll all get more information about next week. Please note apartment folks there might be restrictions on hours of waxing set by the O.C. for security reasons.

Of course, for anyone that wishes full ski service, Boulder Nordic Sport will be in Seefeld with us and offers for-hire ski service throughout the MWC2023.


Older but still relevant updates.......


--> Please fill out the AXCS MWC2023 Trip Waiver and/or Trip Emergency Plan if you have not already done so. 

If you see a "not yet" on your name line on the Team USA Chart, we are missing either the signed Waiver or Emergency Plan.

The Waiver is required for anyone that is booked into lodging by AXCS and/or anyone that is riding AXCS-arranged Ground Transportation. The Waiver is different than the MWC2023 waiver you have to read/sign for race registration. The Emergency Plan is requested to be sent to AXCS for anyone traveling alone. AXCS strongly urges couples to still fill out a Plan, but just keep it in your luggage for your own easy reference in an emergency.

Once you sign or fill out either form, please just scan or take a smart phone picture and sent it to JD Downing (AXCS National Director) -- jd at xcskiworld dot com


--> Easy and Affordable Currency Exchange Option

The AXCS Office has a supply of EURO cash that we can exchange for U.S. dollars with AXCS members going on the MWC2023 Trip once we arrive in Europe. We will "sell" this EURO at the average daily price whenever you ask for a "purchase". Using par values will for sure be a MUCH better price than you will be able to get in airports or banks with currency exchange. You can reimburse AXCS with either cash USD in Europe or pay ahead of time with a check or on-line "donation". 

If you are interested, please email JD Downing (AXCS National Director) -- jd at xcskiworld dot com -- and include the amount of cash EURO that you will want to "buy". There is a limited amount of spare EURO in the AXCS Office, so this is a first-come, first-served offer.

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Wednesday, February 22 --  9:00am PST updates 

--> USA Bus Information Now Has A Separate Page

Because of the volume of info we need to communicate for arrival and departure Team USA buses, we now have a separate page for that info.

IMPORTANT #1: Also a note for "Independent" Lodging USA folks on the ground transport sheets.....AXCS is going to have to leave it up to all of you to figure out the distance between AXCS Lodging and your places. You should do this soon. We can drop you at either of the two USA hotels (Zum Gourmet or Alpenpark) or we can drop you at the USA Apartments near the stadium. But we cannot ask the buses for more than three stops. 

IMPORTANT #3:  If you didn't get your ground info to AXCS and now need to be added -- OR -- if your flights have changed from what is posted on the Bus Information charts, please email JD directly. We have closed the Google sheet for new info.


--> There are NO waxing restrictions at the MWC2023

This has been mentioned several times over the past year, but since AXCS keeps getting the occasional question -- note that you can wax with whatever you want in Seefeld. There are zero waxing restrictions.


--> Boulder Nordic Waxing Services Updates

After traveling to previous MWC races in British Columbia, Idaho, Italy, Switzerland, and Norway, BNS staff are  excited to return to Austria in 2023. BNS Founder Nathan Schultz will lead the crew, and BNS has partnered with race organizers to have on-site waxing headquarters to provide the best possible race service to skiers.

Experienced BNS service technicians offer professional race wax service that includes help selecting the best skis for the race, base wax, paraffin, powder, topcoats, and hand structure for the highest speed possible. BNS also provides full kick wax for classic races.

The BNS Mobile Service presents MWC racers with World Cup-level ski service for the fastest skis possible. This allows athletes to relax while skipping the hassle of waxing their own skis and traveling with waxing gear.

BNS race-wax services will be available for every race on the MWC schedule, including the relay.

The BNS Mobile Race Service for the Masters World Cup can be purchased online at, by phone at 877.BNS.SKIS, or at BNS locations in Boulder, Colorado, and Portland, Maine. Space is limited, so reserve your spot today before you miss out!

Register for waxing in the skate races:
Registre for waxing in the classic races:

Cancellation/Refund policy: BNS commits to significant expenses with travel, staffing and logistics for this event; therefore, this purchase is non-refundable with the exception of a serious documented injury or illness that prevents participation in the races. In such cases, BNS will provide an 80% cash refund. If this event is canceled for any reason, customers will have the option to receive either a 100% refund in BNS store credit or a 50% cash refund.

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Thursday, January 26 --  9:00pm PST updates 

--> Everything you want to know about USA Relays at the MWC2023

I've updated the extensive "MWC Relay 101" notes from last year and this page should answer nearly all your questions until we get to Europe.


--> AXCS MWC2023 Travel Package Mid-November Notes

1.) Quick note about invoice amounts

It is typical for AXCS to price lodging packages in the spring for European venues in Euro or other European currency. We have done this again this year. What is not typical is that AXCS was not able to do our normal dollar-cost-averaging over the summer with conversions of your deposit amounts. We simply could not get the Seefeld folks to cooperate with our objectives.

What this means is that AXCS is guesstimating what's going to happen with roughly 55% of your total conversion price in EUR vs. USD currency markets. Needless to say, this is really tricky.

The final balance price you see on your invoice reflects a known currency rate for your late fall required payment over to Europe AND it also reflects the guesstimate on the other 55%.

If you have any questions on this process, please don't hesitate to contact JD for more info.


2.) Those with USA Apartment Reservations

All USA apartment reservations now have free cancellation until December 11 (91 days from first USA arrivals). Then all apartments enter increasingly restrictive non-refundable phases all the way out to March arrival. 

From 31-90 days before first USA arrival, cancellation terms are 40% of total billing  (less cleaning fee and taxes). In addition, $160 in AXCS non-refundable fees will be charged.

From 8-30 days before first USA arrival, cancellation terms are 70% of total billing  (less cleaning fee and taxes). In addition, $160 in AXCS non-refundable fees will be charged.

From 1-7 days before first USA arrival, cancellation terms are 90% of total billing  (less cleaning fee and taxes). In addition, $160 in AXCS non-refundable fees will be charged.

No show: cancellation terms are 100% of all amounts paid.

An unannounced early departure or delayed arrival will result in full price being charged. All notifications are subject to time periods above.

AXCS has already sent all apartment final bills via email on Tuesday, Nov 15 with a due date for payment latest by November 30. If any skier does not have your emailed invoice, please immediately contact J.D. for a resend.

AXCS strongly urges those with apartment reservations to arrange a travel insurance policy to cover at least 90% of your full booking cost for one person plus 2.5% for currency flux. Ideally set up your policy latest by December 21 (within 10 days of the start of non-refundable charges. See more info below.


3.) Those with Alpenpark Resort Hotel Reservations

For Alpenpark reservations, AXCS has been able to get confirmed extension on the more restrictive reservation non-refundable phase out to December 1 (functionally the deadline is November 30 because we would not get word to Europe in time if you wait until the day of the 1st).

Starting the first of December and lasting until the final week before arrival, you will then enter a non-refundable phase until arrival subject to the following equation — 80% of full booking cost plus $160 in non-coverable AXCS fees, but less 30 EUR in taxes. Cancellation within the final week before arrival will be charged 100% of billed invoice amount.

AXCS Alpenpark final billing is out to all skiers with a due date of 5 December.

Those of you with Alpenpark reservations can wait until the start of December to then set up the highly-recommended travel insurance policy. See more info below.


4.) Those with Hotel Zum Gourmet Reservations

Zum Gourmet reservations become "locked" as of 15 November. Starting 16 November, you entered a non-refundable phase until arrival subject to the following equation — 80% of full booking cost plus $160 in non-coverable AXCS fees, but less 30 EUR in taxes.

AXCS Zum Gourmet final billing is out to all skiers with a due date of 5 December.

Those of you with Zum Gourmet reservations ideally will set up the highly-recommended travel insurance policy no later than November 24. See more info below.


5.) Travel Insurance

As mentioned in past updates, AXCS strongly recommends getting a basic travel insurance policy in the next couple weeks (apartment reservations) or end of November (hotel reservations). With 2022 airline change/credit policies, most of you will not have big exposure with your airline tickets. You will not be paying for AXCS ground transfers until February. If you wait to pay your registration fee until after New Years, you extend that “protected” period 2-3 months. But the one area you will have significant non-refundable exposure will be with the Lodging Package.

Travel Guard has been good to several AXCS members that had to make claims over the years and it is pretty easy to book a policy on-line. But there are many other travel insurance choices out thereHot tip: With Travel Guard, if you set up a policy within 10 days of a firm trip investment (for apartment reservations that would be November 1), pre-existing medical conditions can be covered. Other insurers may have similar offers.

For travel insurance purposes, the full lodging amount you should list for any travel insurance policy is the amount quoted for your entire hotel/apartment booking on this page. You will need to do conversion to US dollars and you should add 2.5% to protect against currency flux on 50% of the total cost. All that should guarantee you have enough coverage without adding too much to the cost of insurance.


6.) Note from J.D. about terms/conditions

Typically AXCS has a very good handle on terms/conditions for all MWC Lodging Packages for a year prior to the MWC. But in what is now an all too familiar refrain, we have not been in a "typical" world for several years now.

AXCS was quoted fairly normal terms/conditions and payment process in Spring 2022 (that's late, but not when you consider how up-in-the-air the Fall/Winter of 21/22 was from start-to-finish). But that Spring quote has now been revised in no small part due to European energy prices, even worse inflation than the USA, and a big drop in Euro value. Whether a "revision" in the original quote is technically permitted is legally complicated to say the least. (Let's just hope we don't have to go there!)

The bottom line for all members going on this trip is that AXCS has carefully and continuously negotiated every revised term with our broker (Tourism Seefeld) to get you the best terms possible. The recommendation about travel insurance is really the best way you can make sure that you have a way to recover sunk Lodging Package costs if you have to abandon the trip at any point.


Monday, May 23 --  1:30pm PST updates

--> Various Updates on the AXCS MWC2023 Travel Package

Over the past couple months AXCS has been gathering bits of new info on our lodging options for MWC2023. For anyone that missed these notes, here's a quick summary of notable notes.


What's the difference between the two AXCS hotels Zum Gourmet and Alpenpark Resort?

AXCS: Honestly there are very few noticeable differences between the two hotels. Both are located in the Seefeld village core with almost exactly the same walk or shuttle distance to the stadium complex. Both have very comparable pricing, amenities, and reviews. Both are four star properties. The main differences would be that Zum Gourmet is smaller (currently AXCS has the entire hotel blocked for USA reservations) and the layout with dinners is different. These differences are purely a matter of personal taste and logistics whether they matter or not.

With hotel size, some skiers will prefer a somewhat small hotel and others will not care either way. With dinners, Alpenpark offers a dinner buffet while Zum Gourmet is a gourmet limited menu each night with a salad bar (AXCS is going to ask that they offer a nightly pasta). Wine/beer is also included with dinner at Zum Gourmet. Some folks will prefer one of these dinner options over the other. Many skiers not care either way.


Notable notes on various room configurations at the two USA hotels.

-> AXCS only has five "true single" rooms (all at Alpenpark) in our reservation block. True singles are smaller rooms intended for just one person. They are apparently rare in Seefeld. All of these true singles are spoken for already and we have a long wait list.

-> It is possible to book at double-used-as-a-single at either of our USA hotels. At Zum Gourmet a single in this type of booking costs 1765 EUR for a 9-night AXCS package with half board. At Alpenpark Resort a single in this type of booking costs 1702 EUR for a 9-night AXCS package with half board.

-> For shared roommate rooms (two non-attached adults sharing a room with separate bedding), we have a limit of six (6) double rooms at Zum Gourmet that bedding separates into two twin beds. At Alpenpark, we have the option to book skiers into rooms that the hotel considers a "triple". In this configuration, there is a double bed and then a separate couch bed. AXCS has not physically inspected the couch beds to determine quality. We have found in Central Europe some couch beds offer excellent frames and mattresses. But we want to stress that the overall quality with the couch beds will be unknown in these rooms.


Monday, May 9 --  9:00pm PST updates

MWC2023 Race and Track Specifics Adjusted

The Seefeld OC and WMA Executive have agreed to an adjusted race and track plan for the MWC2023 that is important for all skiers to understand well in advance so there are no surprises later in the year.

Items To Note:

—> MWC2023 will use three track configurations of 7km and two different 5km formats (one “easier” 5km and another “normal” 5km). These tracks are not designed as emergency options, but as the firm plan for all MWC2023 races.

—> The website has posted the new track plan including lap counts per race.

Supporting Reasons for these Race & Course Modifications:

—> The agreed-upon courses are on the north side of the Seefeld valley providing extra sun protection should the MWC2023 late March dates prove to be warmer than ideal.

—> The courses will all have a strong base of artificial snow providing the highest guarantee of reliable snow possible for a high quality MWC2023.

—> The selected courses do not interfere with recreational tracks which is a contractual requirement of the Seefeld tourism association and will also allow MWC skiers to enjoy excellent skiing on non-race days/times.

—> The courses all provide width to easily have both classic and skate techniques on the same courses (the new MWC schedule now has two double race days plus the 2- technique relay).

—> The OC and WMA Executive have selected the tracks and lap counts taking into consideration course difficulty and crowding on the trails. As with the situation in Minneapolis with MWC2018, adjustments can and will be made if necessary over the next year.


The race and track plan for MWC2023 is based on logical limitations both at the Seefeld venue, in due consideration of the MWC2023 event date, and logistical factors attached to the new WMA race schedule.


MWC2023 Start Lists 

USA Relay Availability Sheet 

MWC Team USA FAQ:  Several of the most common race-related questions.

Pre-Trip Countdown To-do Items

International Travel 101:  Useful travel tips for adult XC skiers.

AXCS MWC2023 Trip Waiver

When you arrive instructions for USA Apartment folks